Easy TESOL Courses | ITTT


Thanks to our unique online study platform, TESOL courses with ITTT are exceptionally user friendly from start to finish. As soon as you sign up for one of our courses you will receive an email that contains the code you need to gain access to your own personalized online dashboard. Via the dashboard you will have everything you need right at your fingertips, including all the course materials. All you need to access the dashboard at any time is an internet ready device, such as a PC, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

All the course materials will be available online whenever you need them, you can also choose to download them to your device and even print them off if you prefer. Once you have worked through the first unit of study you will then complete an online assessment that is also accessed via the dashboard. Every unit concludes with a short, multiple choice test that is easy to navigate and includes instant feedback upon conclusion. Our online platform is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it provides an easy to use method of study for all of our online TESOL trainees.

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