Why Tesol Is Important

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Why is TESOL important? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Why is TESOL important for teachers?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Why is TESOL important for students?","url": ""} ] ] } TESOL is an essential qualification for teachers in the ESL field, enabling them to apply for teaching positions worldwide. A TESOL certificate is more than just a credential; it equips teachers with specialized skills and pedagogical knowledge...  [Read more]

Is grammar knowledge important when teaching English? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "The four skills","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Typical topics studied at each level","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Beginner/Starter","url":...  [Read more]

Does ITTT offer any free TESOL courses? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "ITTT Special Offers","url": ""} ] ] } ITTT offers a range of course options, each designed to meet different needs and budgets. While researching TESOL courses, you may come across various providers offering courses at extremely low prices or even for free. However, it is important to ensure that the course you choose is recognized by employers globally and provides comprehensive training. ITTT's courses, although not free, guarantee high-quality materials, access to a user-friendly online...  [Read more]

What is the purpose of TESOL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Why is a TESOL course an important part of gaining employment as an ESL teacher?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "What can you expect from a TESOL course?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "How do you go about finding a job once you have your certificate?","url":...  [Read more]

What does a TESOL course teach you? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "English grammar and how to teach it","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Lesson planning and the ESA method","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Classroom management ","url":...  [Read more]

Who can take TESOL courses? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Are English language skills important?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Is attitude important?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Are academic qualifications important?","url": ""},{"@context":...  [Read more]

Is TESOL a good career choice? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Can I really make a long-term career out of TESOL?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "What qualifications do I need to make a career out of TESOL?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "What other TESOL related jobs are available in the long term?","url":...  [Read more]

Is TESOL free? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "A simple checklist of course features:","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "The course is free, but you have to pay for certification","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Is the course accredited and moderated? ","url": ""},{"@context":...  [Read more]

Which is better, TESOL or CELTA? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "What does TESOL mean?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "What does CELTA mean?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Which is better, TESOL or CELTA?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type":...  [Read more]

How do I become a great ESL teacher? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Communication","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Passion","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Patience","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id":...  [Read more]

How long does a TESOL course take? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Which TESOL course is the quickest to complete?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Are longer online TESOL courses more beneficial?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "How long does an in-class TESOL course take?","url":...  [Read more]

Tefl international

Embarking on your TESOL journey can come with a myriad of questions about teaching English. On this FAQ page we focus on all aspects related to our training courses and gaining TESOL certification. Whether you are seeking guidance on the ideal course for you or clarity on the course mechanics of a particular option, our FAQs should have the answers. So what are you waiting for? Check out the questions and answers below and kickstart your teaching voyage with ITTT. How do I choose a TESOL course?   The key to choosing the right TESOL course for you is research. You should check that the course provider has been in operation for a reasonable time and that they are respected within the teaching community. You should also be aware of the specific qualifications expected...  [Read more]

How to get a TESOL certificate for free? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Does the course come with certification?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Does the course have enough study hours?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Does the course result in a recognized qualification?","url":...  [Read more]

TESOL Certification Cost - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

ITTT has a wide range of courses available to suit all requirements, budgets and time options. There are three possible routes to TESOL certification with ITTT Completion of a course delivered… All ITTT Online TESOL Courses are internationally accredited and include tutor support. This is our best selling TESOL course, which provides a good basic grounding to the skills and knowledge required to teach in an ESL classroom without having any previous experience. A 120-hour certificate is generally regarded as the minimum requirement for most TESOL employers worldwide. This course combines the best selling 120-hour TESOL course from ITTT with an additional 50-hour certificate in teaching English online, a skill which is continuing to grow in demand worldwide. The 170-hour TESOL...  [Read more]

What makes a great TESOL teacher? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Communication","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Passion","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Patience","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name":...  [Read more]

Can I be a TESOL trainer? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "What are the basic requirements for becoming a TESOL trainer?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "What advanced qualifications are required by a TESOL trainer?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Will I need classroom experience to become a TESOL trainer?","url":...  [Read more]

Can I teach English with a level 4 TESOL certificate? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "How are the different levels of TESOL certification determined?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "What are the different ITTT TESOL certificate levels?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "What is a level 4 TESOL qualification?","url":...  [Read more]

Teaching English Video Lessons - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Our ITTT YouTube channel is where you will find a wealth of video information regarding all avenues of TESOL. We currently have over 2,000 videos covering our range of certification courses and reviews from some of our previous course graduates. You will also find plenty of helpful and informative content covering teaching ideas for the classroom, and sections on lesson planning and classroom management. Another popular area looks at teaching locations around the world and how to get the most out of your time living and working there. We regularly add to our growing video collection to ensure you have all the information you need before you start your TESOL course, during your training, and once you have graduated and are on the lookout for that all important first teaching...  [Read more]

Meaning of TESOL - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The term TESOL is one that is often used in a general sense, although it does have a specific meaning. Generally the meaning of TESOL is some form of ‘the Teaching of English to people whose first language is not English’ and is often used interchangeably with terms such as TEFL, TEAL, TESL and many others. It is also generally used as the name of a qualification, such as a TESOL certificate, which relates to the result of a TESOL training course. Here we will look at the meaning of TESOL in these broad terms and also give its specific meaning, along with many other common acronyms used throughout the industry. The general acronym for the field of teaching English is ELT: English language teaching. This term applies across the board to teaching English, be it to American high school...  [Read more]

Where to do TESOL in 2022/23 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Which is the most popular region for TESOL?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Where can I earn the most money teaching English in Asia?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Where else is popular in Asia?","url":...  [Read more]

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