How much can I earn teaching English in Argentina?

In Argentina, English teachers can expect to earn a basic monthly salary ranging from around $600 to $1,200 for full-time positions. The demand for teachers is especially high in Buenos Aires, the capital, with significant opportunities also in major cities like Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, and the coastal city of Mar del Plata. Argentina, known for its diverse natural landscapes, European-influenced culture, and relaxed lifestyle, offers a rewarding experience for both new and experienced ESL teachers.

Table of Contents

What are TESOL salaries in Argentina?

Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Argentina?

Can I earn extra cash as a private English tutor in Argentina?

What is the cost of living for English teachers in Argentina?

What are TESOL salaries in Argentina?

TESOL salaries in Argentina typically range from $600 to $1,200 USD per month, depending on qualifications and experience. While Argentina may not offer the highest teaching salaries, with patience and effort, teachers can live comfortably. Many supplement their income with private tutoring, which is a common practice and can significantly enhance your lifestyle. Private tutoring rates usually range from $10 to $15 per hour per student. Possessing a TESOL qualification is advantageous in Argentina, as it increases the likelihood of securing better-paid teaching positions and accessing more lucrative opportunities.

Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Argentina?

Public schools are largely out of bounds for foreign teachers due to government restrictions, which means that most ESL teachers work in private language schools. These schools cater to a wide range of students, including school children of all ages, and adults from a variety of different backgrounds. Many teachers find themselves working within local businesses where they deliver group or individual classes on specific topics such as interviews, conference calls, presentations, or business meetings. Working hours vary from one job to the next, but it is common for teachers to be on call from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Can I earn extra cash as a private English tutor in Argentina?

Freelance work as a private tutor is a major market for foreign teachers in Argentina. As mentioned, many teachers take on a few individual students outside of their normal working hours in order to supplement their main income. However, it is also common practice for teachers to become full-time freelance tutors once they have developed a solid group of regular students. This scenario is very popular as you can set your own working hours and hourly rate, although you should make sure you agree a cancellation policy with your students in advance so you are not left out of pocket when lessons are canceled at the last minute.

What is the cost of living for English teachers in Argentina?

The average salary for an ESL teacher is relatively low in Argentina in comparison to many other popular teaching destinations, however, the cost of living is also quite low. Expenses such as public transport, utility bills, and everyday groceries are generally affordable on an average salary. However, rental properties can be very expensive in the most popular areas of Buenos Aires, such as Palermo, San Telmo, and Recoleta. Away from the capital housing costs are much cheaper, but if you are set on Buenos Aires as your destination you should look at districts such as Montserrat, Belgrano, or Almagro as they are safe and generally more affordable. In most cases, teachers choose to rent a room from a local family or house share with other teachers to keep costs down.