How much can I earn teaching English in Costa Rica?

English teachers in Costa Rica can expect to earn an average monthly income of around $600 to $1,000. Costa Rica also offers abundant opportunities for both experienced and first-time ESL teachers throughout the year. One of the key attractions for teaching in Costa Rica is that a university degree isn't always necessary to secure a good teaching position. Most teaching jobs are concentrated in the Central Valley region, especially in the capital city of San José. This salary range allows for a comfortable lifestyle in Costa Rica, considering the local cost of living.

Table of Contents

What are TESOL salaries in Costa Rica?

Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Costa Rica?

Can I earn extra cash as a private English tutor in Costa Rica?

What is the cost of living for English teachers in Costa Rica?

What are TESOL salaries in Costa Rica?

TESOL salaries in Costa Rica typically range from $600 to $1,000 per month. While these salaries are generally lower compared to some other regions worldwide, they reflect the local cost of living. Teachers with additional qualifications, such as a degree and TESOL certification, and those with prior teaching experience, may have the potential to earn more. Additionally, many teachers supplement their income through private tutoring, which can yield an additional $10 to $20 per hour. This combination of regular teaching and private tutoring offers a viable financial option for those drawn to Costa Rica's vibrant culture and lifestyle.

Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Costa Rica?

Private language schools are the main employer of foreign teachers in Costa Rica. These can be found in large numbers all over the country, with classes aimed at young learners and adults. The bigger schools tend to offer full-time contracts that involve 20 to 25 teaching hours per week, while smaller schools often only provide part-time work. It is common for teachers to take part-time work from multiple schools to make up a full-time salary. Most classes are scheduled for early mornings or evenings and weekend classes are very common.

Can I earn extra cash as a private English tutor in Costa Rica?

Providing private lessons in homes or offices is a very common way to earn extra cash outside of normal working hours. In time, some teachers gain enough regular clients to be able to make it a full-time undertaking. A large percentage of potential clients in this area are school children who need extra help to prepare for exams. However, there are also opportunities among private businesses who look to employ teachers to deliver lessons that are specific to their needs.

What is the cost of living for English teachers in Costa Rica?

The cost of living for English teachers in Costa Rica, known for its popularity as a tourist destination, is higher compared to many other countries in the region, especially in beach resort areas. The most significant expense is housing. Homestay options, which often include meals, range from $200 to $350 per month. Alternatively, renting a room in a shared apartment can cost a similar amount. For those preferring private accommodation, prices start at around $400 per month in areas outside the city center. While living costs in Costa Rica can be higher than in other parts of Latin America, they are typically manageable on a teacher's salary, especially when considering the lifestyle and natural beauty the country offers.