How much can I earn teaching English in Thailand?

In Thailand, English teachers can typically expect to earn between 30,000 and 70,000 Thai Baht per month ($850 to $2,000 USD). These figures can vary based on factors such as location, type of school, and the teacher's qualifications. Thailand offers numerous job opportunities year-round, and previous teaching experience is often not required, making it an attractive choice for newly qualified teachers and those seeking a more relaxed working environment.

Table of Contents

What are TESOL salaries in Thailand?

Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Thailand?

Who else employs English language teachers in Thailand?

What is the cost of living for English teachers in Thailand?

What are TESOL salaries in Thailand?

TESOL salaries in Thailand, while relatively modest compared to some other Asian countries, are generally sufficient to cover everyday expenses. First-time English teachers in Thailand can expect to earn around $1,000 per month. Those with more experience and higher teaching qualifications can potentially earn up to $1,500 or more, allowing for a more comfortable lifestyle. It is important to note that teaching positions in Thailand rarely include extra benefits like paid airfare and housing.

Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Thailand?

The primary employers of English language teachers in Thailand are government-run public schools and privately run language academies. In public schools, native English speakers with a 4-year degree are generally eligible for positions. While TESOL certification isn't an official requirement, it can enhance job prospects and salary potential. Typical public school positions involve 40-hour workweeks from Monday to Friday, with class sizes up to 50 students, and salaries ranging from $850 to $1,000 per month.

Privately run language academies, on the other hand, often offer slightly higher pay, especially for experienced teachers. These academies usually require 18 to 25 teaching hours per week, primarily in the evenings and weekends, with smaller class sizes of no more than ten students. Payment is often on an hourly basis, ranging from $8 to $20 per hour, leading to monthly earnings between $600 and $2,000, depending on the number of teaching hours and the agreed hourly rate.

Who else employs English language teachers in Thailand?

Private international schools offer another more lucrative option for teachers who can meet the tough criteria required to land them. A high level of teaching experience and qualifications are usually required and you can expect the competition to be very strong as these positions are highly sought after. These schools typically follow a foreign curriculum such as British or American and operate a standard Monday to Friday timetable. Salaries can be anywhere up to $4000 per month for the lucky few who can get them.

What is the cost of living for English teachers in Thailand?

The cost of living in Thailand can be vastly different depending on the area where you live and work. Bangkok is roughly 30% more expensive than the average for the country, as are some of the more popular beach resorts. If you choose to work in these areas you should look to earn at least $1,000 to $1,300 per month to provide a comfortable lifestyle. In less developed regions you can get by on much less, although how you choose to spend your free time will obviously have a big impact on this.