Is TESOL certification accredited?

Understanding the accreditation of TESOL certification requires defining what accreditation means. In the context of ESL teaching, accreditation involves external checks by an accrediting body, which can be a regulatory requirement or a voluntary process. Unlike some industries, the ESL teaching field does not have a single, universal accrediting body due to its global expansion and diversity. Instead, numerous accreditation agencies have emerged over time. These agencies vary and may include universities, examining bodies, and private companies. The standards for accreditation differ among these agencies, but they generally follow globally recognized criteria. Key indicators of a quality TESOL certification program include the number of course hours, the qualifications of trainers, and the methods used for trainee assessment. It is important to note that while there is no overarching accrediting body for ESL, reputable TESOL courses typically align with these internationally accepted standards, ensuring the course's credibility and recognition in the ESL teaching market.

10 questions you need to ask before enrolling in a TEFL course

Table of Contents

How can I tell if a TESOL course is accredited?

Are ITTT TESOL courses accredited?

What does it mean if a course has no accreditation?

How can I tell if a TESOL course is accredited?

Determining the accreditation of a TESOL course can involve several steps. First, examine the course provider's website for clear information about their accreditation. Check if the accreditation details are prominently displayed or if you need to search extensively to find them. It is also important to verify the legitimacy of the accrediting body by visiting their website and assessing its professionalism.

Another critical step is to review feedback from past course participants. Look for authentic reviews, including video testimonials and detailed comments, rather than generic postings. Additionally, explore teaching blogs and forums for independent feedback on the course. Assessing the awards and recognitions received by the TESOL course provider can also provide insights into their credibility. Finally, consider the affiliations of the ESL organization. A reputable TESOL course is often linked with other well-known and respected teaching and learning organizations. These various checks can help ascertain the accreditation status and overall quality of a TESOL course.

Are ITTT TESOL courses accredited?

Yes, all TESOL courses offered by ITTT are accredited. Our onsite 4-week TEFL courses are validated and credit-bearing by Lamar University (USA) and the Paris College of International Education (France). For online courses, the certificates obtained upon completion are accredited and credit-bearing from the Paris College of International Education (France).

You can find detailed information on our affiliations and accreditations on the ITTT affiliations page. To further verify our credibility, we encourage prospective students to review the many video testimonials from our trainees, available on our reviews page. Furthermore, ITTT is a proud institutional member of IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language), a leading global ELT community. Our IATEFL membership number is 16020, and more information about IATEFL can be found on their website.

What does it mean if a course has no accreditation?

There are two possible reasons for this. The first may be that it is a new company and they have not had time to go through the often long process that accreditation requires. Have a look on their website, does it say when the company was formed or how long they have been in business?

Secondly, they may not have been able or want to gain accreditation. If this is a cause for concern, you should contact the company directly to find out why they are not accredited.