Do accents matter when teaching English abroad?

Accents in English, influenced by geographic and cultural backgrounds, vary significantly around the world, with noticeable differences among British, American, Australian, New Zealand, Canadian, and South African accents, among others. Each of these countries also features a variety of regional accents. When teaching English abroad, the impact of these accents becomes a relevant consideration. The prevailing view in the field of TESOL is that having an accent does not inherently impede your ability to teach English effectively. Instead, the focus is on clear and comprehensible pronunciation. Teachers are expected to convey the English language in a way that is understandable to learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds. This approach emphasizes clarity over accent neutrality, recognizing that exposure to various accents can be beneficial for students in a globally connected world.

Table of Contents

What English accent should I teach my students?

How do English language students learn English accents?

What English accent should I teach my students?

When deciding which English accent to teach your students, it is important to recognize that there is no ideal or unsuitable accent. As an ESL teacher, the most practical approach is to teach in your natural accent while ensuring clarity and comprehension for all students. The debate over whether British or American English accents are preferable is ongoing in the ESL community. However, it is increasingly acknowledged that promoting a single accent as the standard is outdated and does not reflect the diverse nature of English usage worldwide. Instead, focusing on clear, comprehensible communication is key. It is also beneficial to expose students to a variety of accents through course materials, the internet, and movies. This exposure helps students understand the global diversity of English and prepares them to communicate effectively in different contexts. Ultimately, consistency in teaching and maintaining an open, inclusive approach to various accents is what truly benefits ESL learners.

Also read: What are the main differences between American and British English?

How do English language students learn English accents?

As teachers, we serve as English language models to our students. They naturally assimilate the vocabulary and phrases we use, and to some extent, adopt our accents during pronunciation practice. While some students might acquire a neutral accent, others may retain a strong native-language accent, regardless of pronunciation practice. Various factors might influence this, such as:

  • The students' age: The younger the student the more likely they are to pick up a native English accent.
  • The length of language exposure: The longer you are exposed to the English language, the more likely you are to adopt a native English accent.

Some students might feel conscious about their accent and seek to minimize it, with varying degrees of success through specific pronunciation practice activities. However, the classroom's emphasis should be on clear articulation and effective communication rather than the accent.

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