TESOL Tabriz

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S.E. - Portugal said:
In this unit, I reviewed some information regarding conditional tenses and reported speech. Types of conditional tenses include: zero, first, second third or mixed conditional. The zero conditional refers to incontrovertible facts, as in the sentence: ?If ice melts, it turns to water.? The first conditional is used to refer to a real situation in the future that is likely or definite if the condition is fulfilled, as in the sentence: ?If I get tired, I?ll go to sleep.? The second conditional; used to refer to a present or future hypothetical situation that is not technically real, and is unlikely ever to occur, as in the sentence: ?If I inherited a million bucks, I?d pay off my student loans.? The third conditional is used to refer to a hypothetical past action and consequence that did not come about, as in the sentence: ?If I had left earlier, I would have arrived sooner.? The mixed conditional is used to refer to a hypothetical action in the past and the hypothetical results in the present, as in the sentence: ?If I had studied anthropology, I would be an anthropologist.?