TESOL Wuxian

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

J.C. – U.S.A. said:
In this unit I learned about the importance of having a lesson plan, be it simple or complex?but simple mainly. Lesson planning helps to organize work flow, manage available time, and hopefully aids in meeting the language objective for both student and teacher. While all units learned so far are important, I feel this unit on lesson planning is of most importance for inexperienced and prospective teachers. Without adequate planning, confidence in the teacher?s abilities can be quickly lost from a student?s prospective?especially if a teacher is inexperienced. Take, for example, an inexperienced and/or uninformed teacher attempting to use the ESA model in the wrong sequence; a student could easy find confusion in studying first, activating second, and engaging lastly. As an aside, I liked that there was standard lesson plan provided, because this helps me see how detailed a plan can be. Also, the idea of a teacher?s self-evaluation is particularly helpful to show how a teacher can improve teaching style and better reach language objectives for teacher and student.