Teaching English Online FAQ

The allure of teaching English online continues to grow annually, mainly due to the comfort of home-based work and the ability to set your own working hours in many cases. Yet, with a plethora of online teaching platforms and new ones emerging regularly, finding the right fit for your individual situation can be a challenge. Take a look through our FAQs below for a wide range of insights into online English teaching.

Do I need a TESOL certificate to teach English online?

Do I need a TESOL certificate to teach English online?    

Technically it is still possible to teach English online without any teaching qualifications. However, the vast majority of employers who offer good working conditions now expect their potential teachers to have completed a high-quality TESOL certification course.

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Can I teach English online without any teaching experience?

Can I teach English online without any teaching experience?    

Due to high demand, most jobs teaching English online do not require any previous classroom experience. However, once you have got some experience behind you, you should find that you can earn a higher rate of pay than when you first started out. All you really need to get going is a TESOL qualification that provides all the skills and knowledge needed in the world of virtual language teaching.

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Are online English teachers in demand?

Are online English teachers in demand?    

The demand for TESOL qualified online English teachers is very high and it is increasing at a rapid rate. As the availability of high-speed internet widens and the need for English language skills continues to grow round the world, the high demand for online teachers is set to grow year after year.

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Which platforms hire online English teachers?

Which platforms hire online English teachers?   

As the demand for online English teachers is so high in many countries there are many different platforms available. It is important that you research your options thoroughly before choosing which one to work for as the requirements, pay rates, teaching hours, and other factors vary greatly from one employer to the next.

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How do I create my own online teaching business?

How do I create my own online teaching business?   

One option for teachers who don’t want to be tied to a specific teaching platform is to think big and start up your own online teaching business. This option is open to anyone, however, your chances of success are far higher if you have some previous teaching experience.

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How much can I earn teaching English online?

How much can I earn teaching English online?   

Online English teachers are typically paid by the hour, with an average rate of between $15 and $30 per hour depending on the employer. Any previous classroom experience or relevant qualifications you have will also have an influence on your earning potential.

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What does an online ESL teacher do?

What does an online ESL teacher do?   

Teaching English online is an attractive career path for many TEFL qualified teachers. As an online ESL teacher, it is your responsibility to provide instruction to individuals whose native language is not English. This includes listening, reading, writing, and speaking in the English language.

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How can I become an ESL teacher online?

How can I become an ESL teacher online?   

Teaching English online may be the ideal option for those looking for a rewarding teaching experience that is both flexible and enjoyable. Qualifications for becoming an ESL teacher online vary by company and may include a TESOL certification, a university degree, prior teaching experience, and appropriate equipment.

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Do I need a TESOL to teach English online?

Do I need a TESOL to teach English online?   

To escape the 9 to 5 grind and design your own remote lifestyle, consider a career as an online ESL teacher. With a TESOL certificate you can teach English from any location while exploring fascinating cultures or spending more time with the people who are important in your life.

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Do online TESOL teachers work from home?

Do online TESOL teachers work from home?   

If you choose to become an online English teacher you can work from any location, as long as you have the necessary equipment and a strong internet connection. This level of convenience allows many people to work from the comfort of their own home, or from any remote location around the world.

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Can I teach English online as a volunteer?

Can I teach English online as a volunteer?   

TESOL graduates have been volunteering for many years as it offers a convenient way to see the world, gain experience, and help out people who really need it. However, in recent times travel restrictions and health concerns have led to more and more graduates choosing to volunteer their services via online platforms.

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How can I start teaching English online?

How can I start teaching English online?   

Teaching English online has grown beyond all recognition in recent years. If you want to take advantage of this rapidly growing sector there are a few questions you need to know the answer to. What equipment is required? What qualifications do I need? And how do I get a job?

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How much do online English teachers make?

How much do online English teachers make?   

The majority of online English teachers work through an established platform that pays by the hour. This hourly figure will vary depending on the employer, your level of teaching experience, and the type of lessons you provide. The average rate for online English teachers can be anywhere from $15 to $30.

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Do I need a TESOL certificate to work for VIPKid?

Do I need a TESOL certificate to work for VIPKid?   

If you would like to take advantage of the current boom in online English teaching, you might want to take a look at VIPKid. This particular platform targets one-to-one lessons with young learners from China. To be eligible to work for VIPKid you will need a TESOL certification.

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How to get a TESOL certificate online?

How to get a TESOL certificate online?   

When it comes to TESOL certification, online courses have continuingly grown in popularity over recent years. They are now extremely common as they offer a great deal of flexibility at an affordable price. As long as you have an internet connection and a device to run it on you are all set.

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Which online TESOL certification is the best for teaching online?

Which online TESOL certification is the best for teaching online?   

There are many different online TESOL certifications available. To answer the question, we must first consider what you want the qualification for and what you intend to do once you have it. As we will show, there are a number of factors to consider before deciding which certification is best for you.

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How can I teach English online and travel?

How can I teach English online and travel?   

With the expansion of high speed internet it is possible to travel the world and teach English as you go. You could be teaching in Berlin on Monday and Rome on Wednesday, or maybe you prefer somewhere more exotic? So, how can you join the thousands of teachers currently teaching and traveling?

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Is teaching English online worth it?

Is teaching English online worth it?   

Recent world events have forced a massive change in the provision of online learning which has expanded rapidly to meet demand. This change is unlikely to be reversed despite conditions changing. As such we should consider that online teaching may be the dominant version of teaching in the future.

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How do I set up my online TESOL classroom?

How do I set up my online TESOL classroom?   

If you choose to teach English online from your own home you will have a considerable amount of freedom and flexibility when it comes to how much you actually teach each day. But before you start teaching there are a few things to consider when setting up your teaching space.

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How to go from teaching English online to teaching in-class?

How to go from teaching English online to teaching in-class?   

Several crucial distinctions exist between conducting English lessons online and teaching English in a traditional classroom. The most evident is the physical presence of the class right before your eyes. But does this aspect truly create a significant impact? If yes, then in what ways?

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How to make an online teaching demo?

How to make an online teaching demo?   

Online English teaching has become a thriving industry, offering a convenient and flexible working arrangement that many teachers find beneficial to their lifestyle. However, when seeking opportunities on online teaching platforms, you may be required to produce a demo video to showcase your identity and abilities.

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Do you need a degree to teach ESL online?

Do you need a degree to teach ESL online?   

Over the past decade, teaching English online has seen a tremendous surge in popularity right across the ESL world. However, before committing to any organization, you will typically need to fulfill certain prerequisites. For instance, while some platforms expect a degree, others do not.

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What is the best platform for teaching English online?

What is the best platform for teaching English online?   

Online English teaching has seen a swift expansion in recent years, with obvious predictions of further growth in the near future. As new platforms continuously emerge, the opportunities for TESOL-certified teachers are ever-increasing. But, which of these platforms provides the best environment to suit your personal circumstances?

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Is it hard to get a job teaching English online?

Is it hard to get a job teaching English online?   

The demand for online English lessons is skyrocketing globally. With an abundant array of platforms existing for online English teaching, and new ones emerging almost daily, the majority of TESOL certified teachers can secure employment in this flexible and highly convenient setting.

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Which online English teaching platform pays most?

Which online English teaching platform pays most?   

Are you looking to embark on a career in online English teaching? Your earnings can vary based on the hours you choose to put in, but here we present you with a list of online English teaching platforms known for their higher pay rates.

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How can I teach online without a degree?

How can I teach online without a degree?   

Can you teach English online without having a university degree? Absolutely! Although teaching English online may present a few more challenges without a degree, it is certainly still possible to carve out a successful path in the field of online teaching.

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