Is teaching English online worth it?

Teaching English online has become increasingly worthwhile, especially in the last decade, as the demand for English language education has grown globally. This trend has significantly expanded the ESL teaching industry, introducing new employment opportunities that deviate from traditional teaching roles. Here are some key reasons why teaching English online is worth considering:

  • Flexibility: Online teaching allows for a flexible schedule, making it ideal for those who prefer not to be tied down.
  • Digital Nomad Lifestyle: It enables individuals to adopt a Digital Nomad lifestyle, teaching from anywhere in the world with a reliable internet connection.
  • Accessibility: It opens doors for those who may not have traditional teaching qualifications but possess the necessary language skills and a passion for teaching.
  • Global Reach: Online teaching connects you with students worldwide, offering a culturally enriching experience.
  • Personal Fulfillment: It provides a sense of personal fulfillment by helping others learn a new language, which can be incredibly rewarding.

Overall, online English teaching offers a unique blend of flexibility, global connectivity, and personal satisfaction, making it an attractive option for many in the modern ESL teaching landscape.

Table of Contents

Working for a company

Profile marketplace




Working for a company

There are literally hundreds of online teaching companies catering for students from kindergarten to retired people, in a whole range of situations, such as young learners and business English.

Working for an online teaching company is the same as working for any employer except it is usually possible to negotiate your own hours and holidays and if you have some experience, even your pay rate.

The quality of companies varies greatly in terms of the help they give their employees, how reliable they are with pay and so forth.

Profile marketplace

In this situation you create your individual profile and then post it on a profile website. Students can then contact you directly having reviewed your profile and deciding that you may make a good tutor. Teaching in this situation is often one-to-one. Students are usually required to post reviews on the marketplace websites about your teaching.


As the name implies you are basically working for yourself. You will need to create and maintain an online presence to promote your services. This gives the greatest autonomy, however, there is no back-up when things go wrong. You will have to deal with all the legalities of your employment status, tax issues and work permits for example.

Conclusion: So to answer the question posed; Is online teaching worth it?

We can consider a number of pros and cons.


  • Good pay rates?up to US$25 per hour
  • Flexible working possible
  • Not location dependent
  • Many companies provide readymade lessons and materials
  • Teach many cultures without going to the country


  • It can become repetitive
  • Technology can be frustrating
  • Can be lonely
  • Time zone differences can become difficult
  • A large part of this market is for kindergarten (a problem for some)

Also read: Which platforms hire online English teachers?
