Tutor Thailand

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How does the combined TESOL course work? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Is the combined TESOL course as good as the 4-week in-class TESOL course?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "If I choose the combined TESOL course, will I still receive a full TESOL certificate?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "How does the online section of the...  [Read more]

Tefl inclass course in Korea - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

If you are interested in teaching English in South Korea, or are already teaching there, it is important that you read on for a few paragraphs... The largest employer of English language teachers in South Korea, the government sponsored EPIK program, is adding a new requirement for the upcoming August 2013 intake. Candidates who wish to work in the EPIK program in Seoul and Busan will now need to have completed a TEFL/TESOL course of at least 100 hours that includes a 20 hour in-class component. Please be aware that the vast majority of the EPIK jobs are located in Seoul and Busan but for all other areas of the country an online 100 or 120-hour TEFL/TESOL certificate is sufficient to meet EPIK requirements. In the past, thousands of our online course graduates have gained employment...  [Read more]

TESOL vs TEFL - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The most generic term for the field of teaching English is ELT. This simply means: English Language Teaching. ELT is a large area, and there are many subdivisions and specialisms. One subdivision is the teaching of English to learners whose first language is not English. The three terms most commonly seen here are TESOL, TEFL and TESL. A lot of confusion exists around these terms and in particular the question of TESOL vs TEFL, which leads to a number of inevitable questions. You might ask… In looking at these various terms we will show that the idea of comparing one against the other, i.e. “TESOL vs TEFL” isn’t very helpful. So what do they mean? When the English teaching takes place in a country where the predominant language is not English, such as teaching English in Germany or...  [Read more]

TESOL Qualification - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) can be simply defined as any situation where a native or non-native English speaker is teaching the English language to students whose first language is anything other than English. This is a very common scenario that occurs every day in virtually every country in the world due to the fact that the English language is the number one second language of choice in many areas. There is no one type of person from one type of background who decides to teach English, just as there is no one classroom environment that awaits those who choose this particular path. For some people it means teaching a few individual students on a part-time basis as a way to add some funds on a gap year adventure, while for others it is a full-time job that provides a...  [Read more]

Best TEFL Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

A quick online search will reveal a large number of course providers offering a wide range of TESOL certification. At ITTT we think we stand out from this crowd for many different reasons. Take a look at these key points and see if you agree that we provide the very best TESOL course options available. At ITTT we have been providing high-quality courses since 1998 which makes us one of the longest running and most respected providers in the TESOL world; To ensure you receive the very best service we only employ staff members who have experience of living and teaching abroad; If you are fluent in English you are welcome to take any of our TESOL training courses, no matter where you are from; A good knowledge of English is all that is required to join our courses. Your age, academic...  [Read more]

Meaning of TESOL - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The term TESOL is one that is often used in a general sense, although it does have a specific meaning. Generally the meaning of TESOL is some form of ‘the Teaching of English to people whose first language is not English’ and is often used interchangeably with terms such as TEFL, TEAL, TESL and many others. It is also generally used as the name of a qualification, such as a TESOL certificate, which relates to the result of a TESOL training course. Here we will look at the meaning of TESOL in these broad terms and also give its specific meaning, along with many other common acronyms used throughout the industry. The general acronym for the field of teaching English is ELT: English language teaching. This term applies across the board to teaching English, be it to American high school...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Foreign Language Experience

Foreign Language Experience I come from a country, which is with high cultural values and great diversity. There are different languages spoken and different customs and traditions followed all over India. When I was in school, which was English medium school, we had Marathi and Hindi as our second language, Hindi was introduced from grade 3 and Marathi from grade 4, both these languages have almost similar script but there is a difference in the way we speak the language thus the difference in these two languages. It was easy for me to learn to read and write Hindi. It was very difficult for me to learn Marathi, my struggle worsened as my mother too was not able to help me as being from south of India she had never heard or spoke Marathi .It was compulsory in school to score same amount...  [Read more]

Tefl international

Embarking on your TESOL journey can come with a myriad of questions about teaching English. On this FAQ page we focus on all aspects related to our training courses and gaining TESOL certification. Whether you are seeking guidance on the ideal course for you or clarity on the course mechanics of a particular option, our FAQs should have the answers. So what are you waiting for? Check out the questions and answers below and kickstart your teaching voyage with ITTT. How do I choose a TESOL course?   The key to choosing the right TESOL course for you is research. You should check that the course provider has been in operation for a reasonable time and that they are respected within the teaching community. You should also be aware of the specific qualifications expected...  [Read more]

TESOL Teacher - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

English is one of the most commonly used second languages across much of the world and it is currently being studied by tens of millions of people from all backgrounds and cultures. How and where they choose to study can vary considerably, but one thing that most English language students have in common is that their studies are led by a tutor known as a TESOL teacher (or something similar such as ESL teacher, TEFL teacher, etc). The role of a TESOL teacher is to slowly build up their student's abilities in the four language skills; reading, writing, speaking, and listening, to enable them to reach their individual study goals, which could be for work, study, travel, or a variety of other reasons. Please note: the acronym TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. ...  [Read more]

Should I get a TEFL or TESOL certification?

Upon enrolling in a TEFL or TESOL certification program with ITTT, you have the liberty to select the acronym you wish to have displayed on your certificate, be it TEFL or TESOL. These terms are widely used interchangeably within the realm of English language teaching. However, if you have a specific location in mind for work, conducting a modest investigation into the prevailing usage of the two acronyms can be worthwhile. If job postings in your chosen destination predominantly seek TEFL-qualified teachers, opting for that acronym would align well, and vice versa if TESOL certificates are more commonly requested. TEFL or TESOL in Europe Common teaching destinations in Europe Other European countries to look out for Pros and cons of teaching English in Europe TEFL or TESOL in Asia Common...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Miscellaneous Titles

Should Students Be Allowed to Use Their Native Language in the Classroom When I first began teaching lessons during the TESOL Course I found myself almost automatically saying to the students, “English please,” after all it is an English class. However, I began to question myself about whether or not this was “correct” practice or if the students should in fact use their native language to assist them in the learning process. After doing some research I found the TESOL Law Code of Ethics. The Law of Ethics provided many vague and open-ended ideas. It suggested things along the lines of, “The foreign language teacher shall direct her whole professional effort to assist the students to develop his/her second language speaking ability.” It also mentions that TESOL teachers are to...  [Read more]

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