TESOL Certification Danao City Philippines

Check out tefl tesol about TESOL Certification Danao City Philippines and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

I really liked being able to go over the different forms that occur in sentence structures in the past. Since this is a bit tricky when teaching those learning englishc it was great to have aome different ideas listed on how to use activities in the activate stages. It was also great to have good examples that can be used in teaching, if we can not think of anything by ourselves.I have noticed the importance of the EFA Methology and stages approach in teach from Engage to Study to Activate and as we moved through the units I can see how in each category it can be incorporated and unitized to be beneficial to either the teacher or class. The different types of classes and activities from teaching children to business adults was very useful for future use.