TESOL Courses West Virginia

Check out tefl tesol about TESOL Courses West Virginia and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

K. K. - Korea said:
As we have learned in previous units, the use of multiple teaching aids is effective in the classroom. A good balance is essential, and a good thorough knowledge of the use of these items will be key. I personally would like to take advantage of dvd/cd lessons. As I feel that they will introduce many real life situations that can be used in combination with a communicative language technique. I do feel the use of a white board and/or IWB will be effective as well when needing to give visual aid to the spelling/grammar lessons. As well as overlaying notes, or activate sessions of a lesson. Visual aids, and songs/videos from possibly a youtube source will also be something I will be looking into for different parts of my ESA lessons. I agree with the use of computers, but would not like to have this be a focus, as technology can damper the effectiveness of real life situation in my opinion in my classroom. I would prefer to have more interaction between my students on a personal level. In combination with more discussions, and group works. I think that a balanced combination with these teaching aids, will allow for a healthy flow through the work dynamic I would like to achieve with my students.