TESOL Glossary

This TESOL glossary presents terms which are links to the description of that term. All the terms are in general use throughout the teaching industry with a particular focus on EFL.

Some slight variations in meaning may be possible depending upon the specific area the term relates to, but on the whole, we have chosen those terms with generally accepted meaning and minimal ambiguity.

Simply click on the TESOL glossary link term below for the full definition.

3x3 Drilling

When learning the English language students are regularly confronted with vocabulary that is new and unfamiliar to them. In order to learn how to pronounce these words correctly the student needs to hear... READ MORE

ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) | TESOL Glossary

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific approach to understanding behavior and how it is affected by the environment. In the context of language learning and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign... READ MORE


Recognition that professional standards have been met. Recognition that academic and other standards have been met as assessed by an outside organization. Accreditation may be performed by a professional... READ MORE

Accuracy Activities

Accuracy activities are tasks designed to focus on the correct use of language, including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. These activities are crucial in language learning as they help learners... READ MORE

Achievement Test

An achievement test is an assessment that measures a learner's knowledge and skills in a specific subject area, typically after a period of instruction. In the context of language learning, achievement... READ MORE

Acquisition (of language)
ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)

The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) is an organization dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction.... READ MORE

Action Research

Action research is a reflective process conducted by educators to improve their teaching practices and enhance student learning. It involves identifying a problem or area for improvement, planning and... READ MORE

Active voice

In an active voice sentence, the focus is on the agent of an action. In active voice, the subject performs the action given by the verb. An example might be a sentence such as “John changed the tire”.... READ MORE


Adjectives are used to describe nouns. An example could be the old (adj) chair (noun). Various sub-categories of adjective exist, such as comparative adjectives like bigger, taller and so on. Another category... READ MORE

AECT (Association for Educational Communications and Technology)

The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) is an international organization that focuses on improving education through the effective use of technology and media. AECT provides... READ MORE

Affective Filter

The affective filter is a theoretical concept in second language acquisition proposed by Stephen Krashen. It refers to the emotional factors that can influence language learning, such as motivation, anxiety,... READ MORE

AFL (Assessment for Learning)

Assessment for Learning (AFL) is an approach to assessment that focuses on using the assessment process to promote and support student learning. AFL involves formative assessments that provide feedback... READ MORE

AITSL (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership)

The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) is an organization dedicated to promoting excellence in teaching and school leadership in Australia. AITSL provides standards, resources,... READ MORE


In linguistics, an allophone is a variant of a phoneme that occurs in specific phonetic contexts. Allophones do not change the meaning of a word, but they can vary in pronunciation depending on their position... READ MORE

ALM (Audio-Lingual Method)

The Audio-Lingual Method (ALM) is a language teaching approach that emphasizes listening and speaking skills through repetitive drills and pattern practice. Rooted in behaviorist theory, ALM focuses on... READ MORE

ALT (Assistant Language Teacher)

An Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) is a native or near-native speaker of a foreign language who assists a primary language teacher in the classroom. ALTs are often employed in programs like Japan's JET... READ MORE

ALTE | Association of Language Testers in Europe

This refers to an association of European organisations who are involved in the assessment and certification of language learners in a variety of languages across the continent. The main focus of the association... READ MORE

AMEP (Adult Migrant English Program)

The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) is an Australian government initiative that provides free English language tuition to eligible adult migrants and refugees. The program aims to help newcomers develop... READ MORE

Analytic Scoring

Analytic scoring is a method of evaluating student performance by assessing multiple components of a task separately. In language learning, this approach might involve scoring writing assignments based... READ MORE


The equivalent term to pedagogy, but applied to adults. The term originally coined in the first half of the 1800s has a few variations depending on which part of the world defines it. In the USA and mainly... READ MORE


There are three articles used to describe nouns: ‘a’, ‘an’, and ‘the’. These are broken down into the definite article ‘the’ and the indefinite articles, ‘a’ and ‘an’. The definite... READ MORE

Asynchronous Learning

Asynchronous learning refers to educational activities that do not occur in real-time, allowing students to access materials, complete assignments, and engage in discussions at their own pace. This mode... READ MORE

ATESL (Alberta Teachers of English as a Second Language)

The Alberta Teachers of English as a Second Language (ATESL) is a professional organization that supports ESL educators in Alberta, Canada. ATESL provides resources, professional development opportunities,... READ MORE

AUA (Audio-Lingual Method)

The term "AUA" here seems to be a duplication of the Audio-Lingual Method (ALM), which has already been covered. The Audio-Lingual Method is a teaching approach that emphasizes repetition and pattern drills... READ MORE

Audio-lingual Method

A language teaching method based around listening and repeating. Sometimes referred to as the Army Method, audio represents listening and lingual represents verbal repetition. This method is based around... READ MORE

Auditory Learner

An auditory learner is someone who learns best through listening and hearing. Auditory learners benefit from activities such as lectures, discussions, and listening exercises. In language learning, auditory... READ MORE

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information, such as images, sounds, and text, onto the real world through devices like smartphones and tablets. In language learning, AR can... READ MORE

Authentic and Non Authentic Materials

The term materials can apply to virtually anything that a teacher uses to help the teaching process in the classroom. Common teaching materials include items such as worksheets, newspapers, pictures, text... READ MORE

Authentic Assessment

Authentic assessment refers to evaluation methods that measure students' ability to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world contexts. Unlike traditional tests, authentic assessments involve tasks... READ MORE

AWL (Academic Word List)

The Academic Word List (AWL) is a compilation of words that are commonly used in academic texts across various disciplines. Developed by Averil Coxhead, the AWL consists of 570 word families that are essential... READ MORE

BAAL (British Association for Applied Linguistics)

The British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) is a professional organization that promotes the study and research of applied linguistics in the UK. BAAL provides a forum for researchers, educators,... READ MORE


Relates to the tendency to teach to an external or internal test, rather than to the students’ weaknesses. Also referred to as washback. When the outcome of a course is a final test, it is sometimes... READ MORE

BANA (British, Australian, and North American)

BANA refers to the trio of English-speaking regions: British, Australian, and North American. In the context of language learning, these regions are often grouped together due to their similar educational... READ MORE

Bandura (Albert) Social Learning Theory

The theory suggested that most learning occurs as a result of imitation. The theory comprised four main elements:. attention, retention, reproduction and motivation. Through observation and imitation of... READ MORE

Base form (of a verb)

The base form is the simplest form of a verb, which is a part of speech that describes an action, state, or occurrence. The base form can be added to in a number of ways depending on the tense or subject... READ MORE

BC (British Council)

The British Council (BC) is an international organization that focuses on cultural relations and educational opportunities. In the context of language learning and TEFL, the British Council plays a significant... READ MORE

BE (Business English)

Business English (BE) refers to the specific subset of English language skills needed in the business and professional environment. It includes vocabulary, phrases, and communication styles pertinent to... READ MORE

Behavior Contract

A behavior contract is an agreement between a teacher and a student that outlines specific behavior expectations and consequences. It is a tool used in behavior management to encourage positive behavior... READ MORE

Behavior Management

Behavior management involves strategies and practices that teachers use to create a positive learning environment and minimize disruptive behavior. Effective behavior management is essential in language... READ MORE

Behaviorist Theory (of language learning)

Suggests that language is learnt orally, by imitation, repetition and rewards. (see B.F Skinner for a more general description) The theory makes use of the general idea that any learning makes use of imitation... READ MORE

BELF (Business English as a Lingua Franca)

Business English as a Lingua Franca (BELF) refers to the use of English as a common language among non-native speakers in international business contexts. BELF emphasizes effective communication and mutual... READ MORE


Benchmarking in education involves comparing teaching practices, learning outcomes, and institutional performance against recognized standards or best practices. In language learning, benchmarking can... READ MORE

BET (Business English Teaching)

Business English Teaching (BET) involves instructing learners in the specific language skills required for business and professional communication. BET courses focus on practical language use, such as... READ MORE

BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills)

Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) refer to the everyday language skills needed for social interactions. These skills are typically acquired quickly by language learners and include conversational... READ MORE

BICS | Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills

The concept developed by Jim Cummins to make a distinction between a non complex social interactional language ability (BICS) and the more complex academic language ability. (See CALP). BICS has been described... READ MORE

Bilingual Education

Curriculum delivery through full or part use of two languages as the language of instruction. Depending on the goal of the program, the first and second language use can be developed equally, or the target... READ MORE


Bilingualism is the ability to speak and understand two languages fluently. It can be simultaneous, where a person learns two languages from birth, or sequential, where a second language is learned after... READ MORE

Blended Learning

A mix of online and in-person learning within an overall course of study. Read more: As the use of online teaching increases worldwide, courses are now making use of a mixture of onsite and online course... READ MORE


Blogs are online platforms where individuals or groups can publish articles, reflections, and other content. In language learning, blogs can be used as a tool for practicing writing skills, sharing ideas,... READ MORE

Bloom’s revised taxonomy (cognitive domain)

Bloom’s original taxonomy for the cognitive domain was revised by Lorin Anderson and others during the latter half of the 1990s. The original six features of the cognitive domain underwent some name... READ MORE

BNC (British National Corpus)

The British National Corpus (BNC) is a large collection of texts that represent a wide range of spoken and written English from various contexts. It is used for linguistic research and language teaching... READ MORE

British Council

From: Although we receive a government grant in aid, the British Council is operationally independent from the UK government. All our work contributes... READ MORE

Bruner, Jerome

Bruner was a constructivist who made many contributions to learning theory and education in general. One important idea that relates well to EFL teaching methodology was the concept of scaffolding. Bruner... READ MORE

BSL (British Sign Language)

British Sign Language (BSL) is the sign language used by the Deaf community in the United Kingdom. It is a complete language with its own grammar and vocabulary, distinct from spoken English. BSL is an... READ MORE

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is an educational policy that allows students to use their personal electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, for learning purposes. In language learning,... READ MORE

CAE (Certificate in Advanced English)

The Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), now known as C1 Advanced, is an English language examination provided by Cambridge Assessment English. It is designed for learners at the C1 level of the Common... READ MORE

CAI (Computer-Assisted Instruction)

Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) refers to the use of computers to deliver educational content and facilitate learning. In language education, CAI can include interactive exercises, multimedia presentations,... READ MORE

CALL | Computer Assisted Language Learning

CALL is an all encompassing term which can be used to refer to the many ways in which computers are used by both teachers and students to aid the process of language learning. As the availability and sophistication... READ MORE

CALLA (Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach)

The Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA) is an instructional model designed to help English language learners acquire both language skills and academic content simultaneously. Developed... READ MORE

CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency)

Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) refers to the advanced language skills needed for academic success, including understanding and producing complex texts, engaging in abstract thinking, and... READ MORE

CALP | Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency

(See BICS). Cummins contrasted the Academic skills, both productive and receptive, with the playground language. Skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking which would be required to study academically... READ MORE

CATESOL (California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)

California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (CATESOL) is a professional organization that supports English language educators in California and Nevada. CATESOL provides professional development... READ MORE

CBI (Content-Based Instruction)

Content-Based Instruction (CBI) is an approach to language teaching that integrates language learning with content learning. In CBI, language skills are developed through the study of subject matter such... READ MORE

CCQ (Concept Checking Questions)

Concept Checking Questions (CCQs) are questions used by teachers to check whether students have understood a new concept or language point. Unlike simple yes/no questions, CCQs require students to demonstrate... READ MORE

CEFR | Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

This system was designed by the Council of Europe in order to provide a standardised method for comparing the levels of language proficiency represented by different examinations and assessments throughout... READ MORE

CEIL (Certificate in English for International Law)

The Certificate in English for International Law (CEIL) is a specialized English language qualification designed for legal professionals and students who need to use English in the context of international... READ MORE

CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults)

The Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) is an internationally recognized teaching qualification awarded by Cambridge Assessment English. CELTA provides the skills and knowledge needed... READ MORE

CELTA | Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

CELTA is an internationally recognised professional teaching qualification that is common in the field of teaching English as a foreign or second language. The course is designed for potential teachers... READ MORE

CertTESOL | Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

CertTESOL is an internationally recognised professional teaching qualification that is common in the field of teaching English as a foreign or second language. The course is designed for potential teachers... READ MORE

CL (Corpus Linguistics)

Corpus Linguistics (CL) is the study of language as expressed in corpora (bodies of text) and involves analyzing large collections of written or spoken texts to understand language patterns, frequency,... READ MORE


This type of activity is popular with both students and teachers as it provides an effective way to practice the language that has been taught during the lesson in an unrestricted fashion. To carry out... READ MORE

Classical conditioning

Behavioral model developed by Pavlov. The classical stimulus response (S-R) description of conditioning. Demonstrated by Pavlov in the salivation of dogs (response) to the ringing of a bell (stimulus)... READ MORE

Classroom Management

Classroom management refers to the techniques and strategies that teachers use to maintain an organized, productive, and respectful learning environment. Effective classroom management involves setting... READ MORE

CLB (Canadian Language Benchmarks)

The Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) are a set of standards used in Canada to describe the language proficiency of adult immigrants and learners of English as a Second Language (ESL). The CLB framework... READ MORE

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an educational approach where subjects are taught in a second language, integrating content learning with language acquisition. CLIL promotes the simultaneous... READ MORE

CLMS (Cambridge Learning Management System)

The Cambridge Learning Management System (CLMS) is an online platform provided by Cambridge University Press that supports language learning and teaching. CLMS offers a range of digital resources, including... READ MORE

Cloze Test

A cloze test is an exercise where learners fill in the blanks in a text with appropriate words. This type of test assesses language proficiency, including vocabulary, grammar, and context understanding.... READ MORE


Communicative Language Teaching. An approach to teaching a language which makes the use of the language in real life situations the goal. It is based on communicative competence rather than structural... READ MORE

CLT (Communicative Language Teaching)

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction and communication as the primary goals of learning. CLT focuses on developing learners' ability to... READ MORE

CMR (Classroom Management Resources)

Classroom Management Resources (CMR) are tools, strategies, and materials that teachers use to manage their classrooms effectively. These resources can include behavior charts, seating arrangements, classroom... READ MORE

CNC (Communicative Needs Analysis)

Communicative Needs Analysis (CNA) is the process of identifying the language needs of learners to tailor instruction to their specific communication requirements. In language education, CNA involves assessing... READ MORE


Coaching in education refers to the practice of providing personalized guidance and support to help learners achieve their academic and personal goals. In language learning, coaching involves working one-on-one... READ MORE


Code-switching is the practice of alternating between two or more languages or language varieties within a conversation or utterance. In multilingual communities, code-switching is a common phenomenon... READ MORE

Communicative Approach

The communicative approach is a methodology in language teaching that prioritizes communication and the practical use of language over the explicit teaching of grammar and vocabulary. This approach encourages... READ MORE

Computational Thinking

Computational thinking involves problem-solving using computer science principles, such as decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithmic thinking. In language education, computational... READ MORE


A device or software application that can produce concordances. The use of concordances within English language teaching includes things such as: 1. Collocations, which are groups of words most commonly... READ MORE


One of the parts of speech, a conjunction is used to connect words, clauses, phrases and sentences. It may be one word or a number of words. Examples include and, or, but, if, when, as single words and... READ MORE


Here we must be careful to differentiate between letters and sounds of English. There are 21 consonant letters, that is all the letters in the alphabet other than the vowels. In contrast there are 24 consonant... READ MORE


The constructivism theory of learning posits that all learning is constructed, each learning experience being unique to the individual and based upon their previous experiences and learned knowledge. In... READ MORE

Controlled Practice

Controlled practice is a stage in language teaching where learners practice new language items in a structured and focused manner. This stage typically involves activities that limit the language output... READ MORE

Controlled Practice and Free Practice

These terms are used to define two separate types of exercises and activities that are used in the English language classroom. Controlled practice is used to describe exercises that are designed to re-enforce... READ MORE

Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is an instructional strategy where students work together in small groups to achieve common learning goals. In language learning, cooperative learning fosters collaboration, communication,... READ MORE

COTE (Certificate for Overseas Teachers of English)

The Certificate for Overseas Teachers of English (COTE) is a professional qualification designed for non-native English-speaking teachers. Offered by institutions like the University of Cambridge, the... READ MORE

CPD (Continuing Professional Development)

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) refers to the ongoing process of improving and updating professional skills and knowledge. For language teachers, CPD involves participating in workshops, conferences,... READ MORE

CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English)

The Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), now known as C2 Proficiency, is the highest level of English language qualification offered by Cambridge Assessment English. It is designed for learners... READ MORE

CR (Communicative Repertoire)

Communicative Repertoire (CR) refers to the range of language forms and functions that an individual can use in various communicative contexts. It encompasses linguistic, sociolinguistic, and pragmatic... READ MORE

Criterion-Referenced Test

A criterion-referenced test is an assessment designed to measure student performance against a specific set of criteria or learning objectives, rather than comparing scores to those of other students.... READ MORE

CUA (Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate)

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate (CUA) practices involve tailoring educational content and instruction to meet the diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds of learners. In language teaching,... READ MORE

CUP (Cambridge University Press)

Cambridge University Press (CUP) is a renowned publishing house associated with the University of Cambridge. CUP produces a wide range of educational materials, including textbooks, reference books, and... READ MORE

Curriculum Development

Curriculum development is the process of designing, organizing, and refining educational programs to meet the learning needs and goals of students. In language education, curriculum development involves... READ MORE


Cyberbullying refers to bullying that occurs through digital devices and online platforms, such as social media, messaging apps, and websites. In educational settings, cyberbullying can significantly impact... READ MORE

DDL (Data-Driven Learning)

Data-Driven Learning (DDL) is an approach to language teaching that uses real language data, typically from corpora, to inform instruction. DDL allows learners to explore authentic language use and identify... READ MORE

Deductive learning

A teacher-led teaching methodology. In deductive learning the teaching is said to be didactic, which is more a form of lecturing. For language learners general rules about the language are given by the... READ MORE

DELE (Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera)

The Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE) are official Spanish language proficiency certifications issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education. DELE exams are available at various levels,... READ MORE

DELTA (Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults)

The Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults (DELTA) is a prestigious advanced teaching qualification awarded by Cambridge Assessment English. DELTA is designed for experienced English language teachers... READ MORE

DELTA | Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

DELTA is an internationally recognised professional teaching qualification that is designed for teachers with some experience in the classroom. This certificate is widely considered to be a follow up to... READ MORE

Dewey, John

Often quoted as the father of experiential education, Dewey’s idea that learning is about experiences led to the paradigm shift towards progressive education. Here learners are active, not passive recipients.... READ MORE

Diagnostic test

A test designed to indicate a teaching need. In an EFL setting this may be a general test to diagnose a lack of ability in one of the four main skills, i.e. reading, writing, speaking and listening. Alternatively,... READ MORE


Dialects refer to the overall classification of the grammar, vocabulary and way of speaking of a particular form of a language. The most common example would be the Cantonese and Mandarin dialects of Chinese.... READ MORE

Differentiated instruction

It can be argued that all classrooms should operate with differentiated instruction. However in EFL teaching the vast majority of classes will have been created at a particular English Language proficiency... READ MORE

Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship refers to the responsible and ethical use of digital technologies and online resources. It encompasses skills such as digital literacy, online safety, and respectful communication.... READ MORE

Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is the ability to use digital technologies effectively to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information. In language learning, digital literacy involves skills such as using language... READ MORE

Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling involves using digital tools and media to create and share stories. In language learning, digital storytelling can be an engaging way for students to practice language skills, express... READ MORE

DipTESOL | Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

DipTESOL is an internationally recognised professional teaching qualification that is designed for teachers with some experience in the classroom. This certificate is widely considered to be a follow up... READ MORE


In phonetics a dipthong can be described as a phoneme made from two adjacent vowel sounds. When a single sound is formed by beginning with one vowel and ending with another vowel, the resulting overall... READ MORE

Direct method (of language teaching)

Aims to copy the way we learn our first language, through full immersion in the target language. It assumes this idea is valid. The Direct Method is also known as the Natural Method, as it attempts to... READ MORE

Direct speech

This is usually indicated by being put into quotation marks, with some other form of verb or mechanism. Direct speech should be a faithful and exact reproduction of what was said. This is contrasted with... READ MORE

Distance Learning

Distance learning refers to educational programs that are delivered remotely, typically through online platforms. In language education, distance learning allows students to access language courses and... READ MORE

DOS (Director of Studies)

The Director of Studies (DOS) is a senior academic position responsible for overseeing the academic quality and administration of a language school or program. The DOS manages the curriculum, supports... READ MORE

DRE (Diagnostic Reading Evaluation)

A Diagnostic Reading Evaluation (DRE) is an assessment tool used to identify students' reading abilities, strengths, and areas for improvement. In language learning, DREs help teachers understand individual... READ MORE

DSA (Diagnostic Speaking Assessment)

A Diagnostic Speaking Assessment (DSA) is an evaluation tool used to measure students' speaking abilities and identify areas for improvement. In language education, DSAs assess various aspects of speaking,... READ MORE

DTEFLA (Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults)

The Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults (DTEFLA) is an advanced qualification for experienced English language teachers. Similar to the DELTA, the DTEFLA provides in-depth training... READ MORE


The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) publish the following definition: Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is... READ MORE


E-Learning, or electronic learning, refers to the use of digital technologies to deliver educational content and facilitate learning. In language education, e-learning encompasses online courses, virtual... READ MORE

EAL (English as an Additional Language)

English as an Additional Language (EAL) refers to the teaching and learning of English by individuals whose first language is not English. This term is often used in educational contexts where students... READ MORE

EAP | English for Academic Purposes

The term EAP refers to the teaching or studying of English courses that have a particular focus on areas of the language that are related to academic study, this type of course is one of the more common... READ MORE

EBE (English for Business and Economics)

English for Business and Economics (EBE) is a specialized branch of English language teaching that focuses on the language skills needed in business and economic contexts. EBE courses cover topics such... READ MORE

ECPE (Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English)

The Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) is a standardized test designed by the University of Michigan to assess advanced-level English proficiency. It is aimed at non-native... READ MORE

EFL | English as a Foreign Language

EFL is a term used in reference to studying or using the English language in areas of the world where English is not an official or widely used language. EFL is increasingly being taught in many countries... READ MORE

EFLTA (English as a Foreign Language Teaching Assistant)

An English as a Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (EFLTA) assists primary language teachers in delivering English lessons. EFLTAs support classroom activities, help with lesson planning, and provide... READ MORE

EGE (English for General Education)

English for General Education (EGE) refers to the teaching of English within a general education curriculum. EGE programs aim to develop students' overall language proficiency to support their learning... READ MORE

EGP (English for General Purposes)

English for General Purposes (EGP) focuses on teaching English for everyday communication and practical use. EGP courses cover basic language skills needed for daily interactions, travel, and social situations.... READ MORE

EIKEN (Test in Practical English Proficiency)

The EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency is a standardized English language test in Japan. It assesses the English proficiency of non-native speakers at various levels, from beginner to advanced.... READ MORE

EIL (English as an International Language)

English as an International Language (EIL) refers to the use of English as a global means of communication among speakers of different native languages. EIL emphasizes the role of English as a lingua franca... READ MORE

EIR (English for International Relations)

English for International Relations (EIR) is a specialized area of English language teaching that focuses on the language skills needed in the field of international relations and diplomacy. EIR courses... READ MORE

EL (English Learner)

An English Learner (EL) is a student who is learning English as an additional language. ELs may be at various stages of language proficiency, from beginner to advanced. In educational settings, ELs often... READ MORE

EL (Experiential Learning)

Experiential Learning (EL) is an educational approach that emphasizes learning through direct experience and reflection. In language education, experiential learning involves activities that immerse students... READ MORE

ELA (English Language Arts)

English Language Arts (ELA) refers to the study of English language and literature, focusing on reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. ELA programs are a core component of the curriculum in... READ MORE

ELD (English Language Development)

English Language Development (ELD) is an instructional approach designed to support English language learners in developing their language skills. ELD programs focus on teaching vocabulary, grammar, and... READ MORE

ELF (English as a Lingua Franca)

English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) refers to the use of English as a common language among speakers of different native languages. ELF emphasizes practical communication and mutual intelligibility over strict... READ MORE

ELFA (English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings)

English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings (ELFA) refers to the use of English as a common language for academic communication among non-native speakers. ELFA highlights the importance of effective... READ MORE


This term is frequently used in relation to English language teaching to refer to the techniques a teacher can use to ensure that the students provide the maximum amount of information during a lesson,... READ MORE

ELL (English Language Learner)

An English Language Learner (ELL) is a student who is learning English in addition to their native language. ELLs often receive specialized instruction and support to develop their English proficiency... READ MORE

ELLIS (English Language Learning and Instruction System)

The English Language Learning and Instruction System (ELLIS) is a comprehensive digital language learning program designed to help learners develop English proficiency. ELLIS provides interactive lessons,... READ MORE

ELPS (English Language Proficiency Standards)

English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) are guidelines that define the language skills and competencies English language learners need to succeed in academic settings. ELPS provide a framework for... READ MORE

ELT | English Language Teaching

In countries where British based English is taught and spoken, ELT is used as an umbrella term that covers all teaching situations that are defined under the acronyms TEFL and TESOL. This usage corresponds... READ MORE

EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction)

English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) refers to the use of English to teach academic subjects in non-English-speaking countries. EMI programs are common in higher education institutions that offer courses... READ MORE

Enrichment Activities

Enrichment activities are supplementary educational experiences designed to enhance students' learning and development beyond the standard curriculum. In language learning, enrichment activities can include... READ MORE

EOW (English for Occupational Writing)

English for Occupational Writing (EOW) focuses on developing writing skills needed for specific professions and workplace settings. EOW courses teach learners how to write effectively for various occupational... READ MORE

EPT (English Placement Test)

An English Placement Test (EPT) is an assessment used to determine a learner's proficiency level in English. EPTs help educational institutions place students in appropriate language courses or programs... READ MORE

ERIC | Educational Resources Information Center
ERP (Educational Research Program)

An Educational Research Program (ERP) involves systematic investigation and study of educational practices, policies, and outcomes. In language education, ERP aims to explore and improve teaching methodologies,... READ MORE

Error correction

We should first define what we mean by errors, which are technically different from mistakes. Mistakes are typically made due to tiredness or misunderstanding of a question, rather than through any lack... READ MORE

ERT (Emergency Remote Teaching)

Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) refers to the rapid transition to online instruction in response to an emergency, such as a natural disaster or the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike planned online education, ERT... READ MORE

ESA | Engage, Study, Activate

A teaching methodology attributed to Jeremy Harmer. It is a communicative approach which makes use of three phases of a lesson in different formats. The simplest format is known as the straight arrow and... READ MORE

ESL | English as a Second Language

ESL is a term that is commonly used in the USA, Australia and Canada. It is used in reference to non native English speakers who use or study English in countries where it is the most commonly used language.... READ MORE

ESLC (English as a Second Language Certificate)

The English as a Second Language Certificate (ESLC) is a professional qualification for educators who wish to teach English to non-native speakers. This certificate program provides training in teaching... READ MORE

ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages)

English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is another term that is interchangeable with English for Speakers of Other Languages. It refers to educational programs that teach English to non-native speakers.... READ MORE

ESOL | English for Speakers of Other Languages

ESOL is a term that is commonly used in the UK, New Zealand and Ireland. It is used in reference to non native English speakers who use or study English in countries where it is the most commonly used... READ MORE

ESP | English for Specific Purposes

This term is used to define a section of the English language industry that includes courses or curriculums that are designed especially to be used by distinct groups or professions. Common examples of... READ MORE

ETE (Education Through English)

Education Through English (ETE) refers to educational programs where English is used as the medium of instruction for teaching academic subjects. This approach is common in bilingual or international schools,... READ MORE

ETS (Educational Testing Service)

Educational Testing Service (ETS) is a nonprofit organization that develops and administers standardized tests and assessments worldwide. ETS is known for creating widely recognized exams such as the TOEFL... READ MORE


The chronological development and history of a word. We can use the word itself as an example: It derives from the Middle English ‘etimologie’ from Old French ‘ethimologie’ from Medieval Latin... READ MORE

EVE (English for Vocational Education)

English for Vocational Education (EVE) focuses on teaching English language skills that are specifically tailored to vocational and technical education. EVE programs prepare learners for careers in various... READ MORE

Experiential learning

C. Rogers was developing ideas continuing on from the likes of Dewey and Montessori. The main theme is that of self directed learning. There were a number of important elements to Rogers’s experiential... READ MORE

Extrinsic motivation

At a very basic level we do something because of external factors, such as gaining a reward or avoiding a punishment.This is contrasted with the other major type of motivation, called intrinsic motivation.... READ MORE


As opposed to a didactic teacher, a facilitator creates the conditions for learning within the classroom and makes use of the learners to advance knowledge. Rather than the teacher acting as the ‘knower’,... READ MORE

False Friends

False friends are words in two languages that look or sound similar but have different meanings. These words can be particularly challenging for language learners because they can easily lead to misunderstandings... READ MORE

FCE (First Certificate in English)

The First Certificate in English (FCE), now known as B2 First, is an English language examination offered by Cambridge Assessment English. It assesses upper-intermediate English proficiency at the B2 level... READ MORE


Reporting back to students on their work, whatever style that work takes. Whenever students are required to undertake a task, be it in a class or for homework, they should receive some acknowledgement... READ MORE

First conditional

This is used to describe situations and results that are likely to happen in the future. The first conditional has the structure If +present simple+will. ‘Will’ can be replaced by any modal verb, such... READ MORE

Fixed Expressions

Fixed expressions are phrases or idiomatic expressions that have a fixed form and meaning, and are used as a single unit. Examples include "by and large," "kick the bucket," and "at the end of the day."... READ MORE

FLA (First Language Acquisition)

First Language Acquisition (FLA) refers to the process by which children naturally acquire their native language. This process begins at birth and typically progresses through stages, including babbling,... READ MORE

FLES (Foreign Language in Elementary Schools)

Foreign Language in Elementary Schools (FLES) programs are designed to introduce young learners to foreign languages at an early age, typically in elementary school. FLES programs aim to develop basic... READ MORE

Flipped Classroom

The flipped classroom is an instructional model where traditional lecture content is delivered outside of class, typically through videos or online resources, and class time is used for interactive, hands-on... READ MORE

FLL (Foreign Language Learning)

Foreign Language Learning (FLL) refers to the process of learning a language that is not one's native language, usually in a setting where the target language is not widely spoken in the community. FLL... READ MORE

FLT (Foreign Language Teaching)

Foreign Language Teaching (FLT) is the practice of teaching a language that is not the native language of the learners. FLT encompasses various methodologies and techniques aimed at developing learners'... READ MORE


Fluency in language learning refers to the ability to speak, write, and understand a language smoothly and effortlessly. Fluency involves not only the accurate use of language structures but also the ability... READ MORE

Fluency Activities

Fluency activities are designed to help language learners use the target language smoothly and naturally in communication. These activities focus on promoting spontaneous language use, reducing hesitation,... READ MORE

Fluency versus Accuracy

Fluency in language learning is the ability to use the spoken or written form of the language to communicate effectively. While fluency does require a reasonable knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, the... READ MORE

Formal Assessment

Formal assessment refers to structured evaluations that measure learners' language proficiency and academic achievement using standardized methods and criteria. These assessments are typically administered... READ MORE

Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is an ongoing process that involves gathering feedback on students' learning to inform instruction and support progress. Unlike summative assessment, which evaluates learning at the... READ MORE


This a repeated error or mistake that has never been corrected, such that the incorrect form has become a habit over time. Some high level speakers can suffer from this in that they can make what appear... READ MORE

Free Practice

Free practice activities are designed to give language learners the opportunity to use the target language spontaneously and creatively without strict guidance or control from the teacher. Unlike controlled... READ MORE

Freelance teaching

In this situation you are working for yourself rather than an organization. With the growth of online education, opportunities to be self employed rather than working for a company or school have greatly... READ MORE

Froebel, Friedrich

Froebel championed learning through play. Whilst his ideas may initially relate to early childhood, many aspects of his concept are useful for learners of all ages. His influence is obvious with educationalists... READ MORE

Functional syllabus

A move away from the traditional grammar syllabus in the 1970s to one which is based around communicative need. These are called functions and examples could be functions such as making offers, apologizing... READ MORE

Future simple tense

Gamification involves incorporating game elements and principles into non-game contexts to enhance engagement, motivation, and learning. In language education, gamification can be used to make learning... READ MORE


This term refers to one of the most commonly used exercises in the English language classroom. The gap-fill worksheet normally contains a set of written sentences which are missing certain key words; the... READ MORE

Gardner, Howard
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences posits that individuals have different kinds of intelligences, including linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal,... READ MORE

GAV (General Academic Vocabulary)

General Academic Vocabulary (GAV) refers to words and phrases commonly used across various academic disciplines. These terms are essential for understanding and producing academic texts and participating... READ MORE

GEL (General English Language)

General English Language (GEL) programs focus on developing overall English language proficiency for everyday communication. These programs cover a broad range of language skills, including reading, writing,... READ MORE

Genetic Epistemology (Jean Piaget)

A theoretical framework which led to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. Piaget described the stages of cognitive development in humans as a chronological series of stages. At each stage the cognitive... READ MORE

GEP (General English Proficiency)

General English Proficiency (GEP) refers to a learner's overall ability to use English effectively in everyday situations. GEP assessments measure proficiency across different language skills, providing... READ MORE

GEPT (General English Proficiency Test)

The General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) is a standardized English language test developed in Taiwan. It assesses the English proficiency of non-native speakers at different levels, from beginner to... READ MORE

Gesell’s Maturation Theory

Gesell’s theory may be summarized as follows: Each individual child goes through a set series of maturational developments. There is no set time to pass through each stage. The maturation cycles involve... READ MORE

GMRT (Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests)

The Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests (GMRT) are standardized assessments that measure reading ability in students from kindergarten through adulthood. The GMRT evaluates various aspects of reading, including... READ MORE

Going to (future)

The main usages are, plans, intentions and predictions based upon present evidence Form:subject + to be (in present tense) + going to + base form of verb Care should be taken not to confuse this tense... READ MORE

Gouin series

A method of language teaching developed by Francois Gouin. Whilst his method did not gain any general popularity, some of his ideas did get taken up in other methods, such as the direct method, TPR and... READ MORE

Grade Inflation

Grade inflation refers to the trend of awarding higher academic grades for work that would have received lower grades in the past. This phenomenon can undermine the value of grades as a measure of student... READ MORE


A language learning method involving the direct translation between the native and target language and vice-versa. Originally designed to teach the dead languages of Ancient Greek and Latin, this became... READ MORE

Grammar-Translation Method

The Grammar-Translation Method (GTM) is a traditional language teaching approach that emphasizes the study of grammar rules and the translation of texts between the target language and the native language.... READ MORE

Group Work

Group work involves students working together in small groups to complete tasks, solve problems, or create projects. In language learning, group work promotes collaborative learning, communication skills,... READ MORE

Growth mindset

Carol Dweck proposed the idea of a growth mindset in her book, Mindset. She suggests that there are two mindsets we can use, a fixed mindset, where things are as they are. A growth mindset on the other... READ MORE

GSL (General Service List)

The General Service List (GSL) is a list of the most commonly used words in the English language. Compiled by Michael West in the 1950s, the GSL contains approximately 2,000 high-frequency words that are... READ MORE

GTM (Grammar-Translation Method)

The Grammar-Translation Method (GTM) is a traditional approach to language teaching that focuses on the explicit teaching of grammar rules and the translation of texts between the target language and the... READ MORE

HALO (High Achievement Language Opportunities)

High Achievement Language Opportunities (HALO) programs are designed to provide advanced language learning opportunities for high-achieving students. These programs offer enriched curriculum, challenging... READ MORE

Hannafin and Peck Instructional Design Model 1987

This is a three-stage design process which may be applied to the design of an e-learning course. At each stage there is an evaluation before moving on to the next. The three stages are 1. needs assessment... READ MORE

Harmer, Jeremy

Author and educator. Well known for his ESA (Engage, Study, Activate) teaching methodology. ITTT considers ESA to be the most effective teaching methodology for teaching English as a foreign language,... READ MORE

HBLI (Holistic Bilingual Instruction)

Holistic Bilingual Instruction (HBLI) is an educational approach that integrates bilingual education with holistic teaching practices. HBLI focuses on developing both language proficiency and the overall... READ MORE

HE (Higher Education)

Higher Education (HE) refers to post-secondary education provided by colleges, universities, and other institutions that offer academic degrees and professional certifications. In the context of language... READ MORE

HEI (Higher Education Institution)

A Higher Education Institution (HEI) is an organization that provides post-secondary education, such as colleges, universities, and technical schools. HEIs offer academic degrees, professional certifications,... READ MORE

Heterogeneous Grouping

Heterogeneous grouping involves organizing students into groups with diverse abilities, backgrounds, and experiences. In language learning, heterogeneous groups can enhance peer learning, foster collaboration,... READ MORE

Hierarchy of needs (Maslow)

Originally suggested as five basic needs of humans. Maslow’s basic hierarchy of needs is a motivation theory involving five needs, namely; from lowest to highest: psychological needs, safety needs, love... READ MORE

High-Stakes Testing

High-stakes testing refers to standardized assessments that have significant consequences for students, teachers, or schools. These tests often determine academic placement, graduation, funding, and accountability.... READ MORE

HLT (Humanistic Language Teaching)

Humanistic Language Teaching (HLT) is an educational approach that emphasizes the whole person in the learning process, focusing on learners' emotional, social, and cognitive needs. HLT encourages a supportive... READ MORE

Holistic Approach

An approach to education that involves all aspects of intellect, body emotions and so forth. Where this is applied to teaching and learning in a school situation it is often described as “Educating the... READ MORE

Holistic Scoring

Holistic scoring is an assessment method that evaluates a student's overall performance on a task, considering multiple aspects simultaneously rather than assessing each component separately. In language... READ MORE

Homogeneous Grouping

Homogeneous grouping involves organizing students into groups based on similar abilities, proficiency levels, or other characteristics. In language learning, homogeneous groups can provide targeted instruction... READ MORE


A couple of interpretations of this are possible, we will use the following: A homonym is a word that is spelled and pronounced like another but has a different meaning (i.e. homograph and homophone).... READ MORE

Honey and Mumford Learning styles

Honey and Mumford identified four distinct learning styles: Activist, Pragmatist, Reflector and Theorist. Although we tend to have a mixture of these learning styles many of us have one preferred learning... READ MORE

Humanistic learning theory

Maslow and Rogers both posited humanistic theories. They relate to creating the best possible environment, both internally and externally for the student in order for them to learn most effectively. In... READ MORE

IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language)

The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) is a professional organization dedicated to the development and support of English language teachers worldwide. IATEFL... READ MORE

IC (Intercultural Communication)

Intercultural Communication (IC) refers to the exchange of information and ideas between individuals from different cultural backgrounds. In language education, developing intercultural communication skills... READ MORE

Icebreaker Activities

Icebreaker activities are introductory exercises designed to help students get to know each other, build rapport, and create a positive classroom atmosphere. These activities are particularly useful at... READ MORE

ICLE (International Corpus of Learner English)

The International Corpus of Learner English (ICLE) is a collection of written texts produced by learners of English from various mother tongue backgrounds. Compiled by researchers at the Université Catholique... READ MORE

ICLHE (Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education)

Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE) refers to the practice of teaching academic subjects through the medium of a second language, often English. This approach combines content... READ MORE

ICQ (Instruction Checking Questions)

Instruction Checking Questions (ICQs) are questions that teachers use to verify that students have understood instructions for a task or activity. ICQs help ensure that learners know what is expected of... READ MORE

ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) encompasses digital tools and resources used to communicate, create, store, and manage information. In language education, ICT includes computers, tablets,... READ MORE

ICTE (International Certificate in Teaching English)

The International Certificate in Teaching English (ICTE) is a professional qualification for individuals who wish to teach English as a foreign language. ICTE programs provide comprehensive training in... READ MORE

Idiomatic Expressions

Idiomatic expressions are phrases whose meanings cannot be inferred from the literal meanings of the individual words. They are a significant aspect of natural language use and are often culturally specific.... READ MORE


Most languages have idioms and English has a large number, in the tens of thousands. They can present difficulties for language learners as they have a few strange characteristics. Firstly they are not... READ MORE

IEA (International Education Association)

The International Education Association (IEA) is an organization that promotes international education and cultural exchange. IEA aims to foster global understanding and cooperation through educational... READ MORE

IELP (Intensive English Language Program)

An Intensive English Language Program (IELP) is a structured, immersive course designed to help non-native speakers rapidly improve their English proficiency. IELPs typically offer full-time instruction... READ MORE

IELTS | International English Language Testing System

This refers to one of the most commonly used English language proficiency testing systems currently available. On completion of the test the student receives a proficiency rating between 0 and 9 based... READ MORE

IEP (Intensive English Program)

An Intensive English Program (IEP) is a comprehensive language course aimed at rapidly improving learners' English skills through immersive and focused instruction. IEPs typically offer intensive study... READ MORE

IEQ (Intercultural Effectiveness Quotient)

The Intercultural Effectiveness Quotient (IEQ) is a measure of an individual's ability to interact effectively and appropriately with people from different cultural backgrounds. It assesses skills such... READ MORE

IGE (Institute of General English)

The Institute of General English (IGE) is an educational institution or program that focuses on teaching general English language skills. IGE programs aim to develop learners' overall proficiency in English,... READ MORE

ILP (Individual Learning Plan)

An Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is a personalized educational plan designed to address the specific needs, goals, and learning styles of a student. In language learning, an ILP outlines the learner's... READ MORE

ILR (Interagency Language Roundtable)

The Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) is a U.S. government organization that provides guidelines and standards for language proficiency assessment and training. The ILR scale, also known as the ILR... READ MORE

IM (Instructional Materials)

Instructional materials are resources used by educators to facilitate learning and teaching. In language education, these materials include textbooks, workbooks, audio and video recordings, digital tools,... READ MORE

In-service training

Developmental training given to staff whilst they are working. More commonly known nowadays as professional development, or PD. Staff are typically required to undertake a set number of PD days throughout... READ MORE

Individual Work

Individual work involves tasks and activities that students complete on their own, without collaboration with peers. In language learning, individual work allows students to focus on their specific areas... READ MORE

Inductive Learning (in language teaching)

Inductive learning uses many examples for learners to generate rules from the patterns seen, as opposed to the other way round which is ‘deductive’. Linked to the idea of a facilitator rather than... READ MORE

Informal Assessment

Informal assessment refers to the various unstructured and non-standardized methods teachers use to evaluate students' learning progress and understanding on an ongoing basis. Unlike formal assessments,... READ MORE

Information gap activity

A communicative speaking (and reading) activity where students are presented with incomplete information, which they must complete by interacting with others who do have that information. Typically undertaken... READ MORE

Information Literacy

Information literacy is the ability to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively. In the context of language learning, information literacy involves skills such as identifying credible sources,... READ MORE

Input hypothesis

One of the five hypotheses of Krashen’s SLA theory. In the input hypothesis Krashen makes the distinction between acquisition and learning. The input hypothesis relates to the acquisition of language... READ MORE

Inquiry-Based Learning

Inquiry-based learning is an educational approach that encourages students to explore, ask questions, and investigate topics of interest. In language learning, this method involves activities that promote... READ MORE

Interactive Whiteboard

An interactive whiteboard (IWB) is a digital teaching tool that allows teachers and students to interact with displayed content through touch or specialized pens. IWBs can display multimedia presentations,... READ MORE


In its initial form, interlanguage refers to the state a language learner finds themselves in when using a mixed form of L1 and L2 before being proficient in L2. This means the language learner may borrow... READ MORE

Intermediate level
Interrogative (Open ended)

This is a sentence that starts with a question word, such as whom, who, what, where, which, why, whose, when or how. It is followed by a question mark at the end. There are other forms of interrogative... READ MORE


Intonation refers to the variation in pitch when speaking, which conveys meaning, emotion, and emphasis. In language learning, intonation is crucial for effective communication, as it can change the meaning... READ MORE


Intrusion in phonetics refers to the phenomenon where an additional sound is inserted between words or syllables during speech. This often occurs to make pronunciation easier or more fluid. For example,... READ MORE

IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)

The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a standardized system of symbols used to represent the sounds of spoken language. Each symbol corresponds to a specific phoneme, allowing precise notation of... READ MORE

IPD (Interactive Professional Development)

Interactive Professional Development (IPD) refers to professional learning experiences that actively engage educators in collaborative and participatory activities. In language education, IPD might include... READ MORE

IRF (Initiation-Response-Feedback)

The Initiation-Response-Feedback (IRF) model is a common pattern of classroom interaction where the teacher initiates a dialogue (e.g., asks a question), a student responds, and the teacher provides feedback.... READ MORE

ISLPR (International Second Language Proficiency Ratings)

The International Second Language Proficiency Ratings (ISLPR) is a scale used to assess and describe the language proficiency of second language learners. It covers various language skills, including listening,... READ MORE

ITA (International Teaching Assistant)

An International Teaching Assistant (ITA) is a non-native English-speaking graduate student who assists in teaching undergraduate courses at English-speaking universities. ITAs often face challenges related... READ MORE

Item Analysis

Item analysis is the process of examining individual questions (items) on an assessment to evaluate their effectiveness and quality. In language education, item analysis helps teachers identify which questions... READ MORE

JALT (Japan Association for Language Teaching)

The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) is a professional organization dedicated to the improvement of language education in Japan. JALT provides resources, support, and professional development... READ MORE

Jigsaw Activity

A jigsaw activity is a cooperative learning technique where students are divided into small groups, and each group is assigned a different part of a topic to learn and become "experts" on. After studying... READ MORE

Jigsaw Technique

The Jigsaw Technique is a cooperative learning strategy that involves dividing a class into small groups, where each group member is responsible for learning and then teaching a specific part of a larger... READ MORE

Jonassen. D

Well known for both the theory of constructivism and in the realm of educational technology, bringing the two together with the term “mindtool.” In the constructivist learning environments, learners... READ MORE

JSTOR | Electronic Journal storage

JSTOR is a digital library founded in 1995. It includes, Open and free content, Open Community Collections, Open Research Reports, Journals, Books, Artstor, Thematic Collections, Primary Sources and Text-mining... READ MORE

Jung, Carl

Jung developed a personality type theory which has four elements. The diametric four element scale of Jung’s theory had the components of introvert vs extrovert, thinking vs feeling, judging vs perceiving... READ MORE


A term mainly used in the USA or US-style educational systems to describe students within the school age range from kindergarten to year 12. Typically this would span ages 3 years old to 18 years old,... READ MORE

KET (Key English Test)

The Key English Test (KET), now known as A2 Key, is an English language exam provided by Cambridge Assessment English. It assesses basic language skills and is designed for learners at the A2 level of... READ MORE

Kinesthetic learner

One who learns best when learning is associated with movement. One of the categories identified in Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple intelligences. A kinesthetic learner learns best when the process... READ MORE

Knowles, Malcolm

Adult learning theory. Knowles terms androgogy was defined as the art and science of adult learning. His adult learning theory had four basic principles: 1. Adults should be involved in all stages of their... READ MORE

Kohlberg, Lawrence

Kohlberg's theory on moral development is useful when thinking about classroom discipline. The theory is related to cognitive development (in boys) and how this passes through a series of levels or stages.... READ MORE

Kolb Learning Cycle

Following directly from the work of Dewey, David Kolb also expounded experiential learning. For Kolb there are four elements in a cycle which are required for learning to take place. The four elements... READ MORE

Krashen, Stephen

Krashen developed a second language acquisition theory (SLA). Krashen’s SLA theory has a great many advocates and detractors. Perhaps best known in Language education circles for quotes such as; “Language... READ MORE

L1 (First Language)

L1, or first language, refers to the native language a person acquires from birth. It is the language learned naturally in the home environment and used as the primary means of communication. Understanding... READ MORE

L1 and L2

These terms are frequently used in language teaching as a way to distinguish between a person’s first and second language. L1 is used to refer to the student’s first language, while L2 is used... READ MORE

L2 (Second Language)

L2, or second language, refers to any language learned after the first language (L1). It is acquired through formal instruction, immersion, or natural exposure. L2 acquisition involves developing proficiency... READ MORE

L2TP (Language-to-Task Performance)

Language-to-Task Performance (L2TP) refers to the ability of language learners to use their language skills to complete specific tasks effectively. This concept focuses on the practical application of... READ MORE

LAC (Language Across the Curriculum)

Language Across the Curriculum (LAC) is an educational approach that integrates language development into all subject areas. It recognizes that language skills are essential for learning and understanding... READ MORE

LAD (Language Acquisition Device)

The Language Acquisition Device (LAD) is a theoretical construct proposed by linguist Noam Chomsky, suggesting that humans are born with an innate ability to acquire language. According to Chomsky, the... READ MORE

LAN (Language Acquisition Network)

A Language Acquisition Network (LAN) refers to the interconnected system of cognitive, social, and environmental factors that facilitate language learning. This network includes the interactions between... READ MORE

Language Acquisition

Language acquisition is the process by which individuals learn a language, either as their first language (L1) or an additional language (L2). This process involves the development of phonological, morphological,... READ MORE

Language Competence

Language competence refers to an individual's ability to understand and use a language effectively. It encompasses various aspects, including grammatical competence (knowledge of syntax and morphology),... READ MORE

Language Proficiency

Language proficiency is the degree to which an individual can use a language accurately, fluently, and appropriately in various contexts. Proficiency levels are often described using standardized scales,... READ MORE

LAS (Language Assessment Scales)

Language Assessment Scales (LAS) are tools used to evaluate the language proficiency of learners. These scales measure various language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing, to provide... READ MORE

Lave and Wenger

Situated learning theory has a particular relevance to teacher training. The concept of a Community Of Practice (COP) is important here. It suggests that if a novice enters a COP (school) by interacting... READ MORE

Lave, Jean

Best known for the Situated Learning Theory, which suggests that classroom activities that are abstract and lack context are not effective. This leads to the idea that classroom practice activities should... READ MORE

LCT (Language and Communication Technology)

Language and Communication Technology (LCT) refers to the use of digital tools and resources to enhance language learning and communication. LCT includes software applications, online platforms, multimedia... READ MORE

LCTL (Less Commonly Taught Languages)

Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL) refer to languages that are not widely studied or offered in educational institutions. Examples include languages like Swahili, Hindi, Finnish, and Uzbek. Promoting... READ MORE


An approach to learning. Also known as student- centered, this is an approach to learning for which the student is the focus of attention, as opposed to a didactic model of the teacher telling. A lot of... READ MORE

Learning Contract

A learning contract is an agreement between a student and teacher that outlines the student's learning goals, the resources and strategies to be used, and the criteria for assessment and evaluation. Learning... READ MORE

Learning Journal

A learning journal is a personal record kept by a student to reflect on their learning experiences, progress, and insights. In language learning, journals can include entries about new vocabulary, grammar... READ MORE

Learning Management System (LMS)

A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software platform that facilitates the administration, delivery, and tracking of educational courses and training programs. In language learning, an LMS can host... READ MORE

Learning Modalities

Learning modalities refer to the sensory channels or pathways through which individuals prefer to receive and process information. The primary learning modalities are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.... READ MORE

Learning strategy

A learning strategy is a set of skills or procedures that learners can use to aid the process of learning. An example of a learning strategy to enhance learning from reading could be the SQ3R technique.... READ MORE

Learning Styles

Learning styles are the preferred ways individuals process and retain information. Common learning styles include visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and read/write. Some models also include social (interpersonal)... READ MORE

Learning styles

The subject of much debate, adherents suggest that individuals have a preferred learning style and teachers should deliver their lessons with these in mind. Critics argue that preferred learning styles... READ MORE

LEM (Language Education and Media)

Language Education and Media (LEM) explores the integration of media tools and resources in language teaching and learning. This field examines how multimedia, digital platforms, and other forms of media... READ MORE

LEP (Limited English Proficiency)

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) refers to individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and have limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English. LEP students often require... READ MORE

Lesson Plan

A lesson plan is a detailed outline prepared by a teacher that describes the objectives, materials, activities, and assessment methods for a particular lesson. In language teaching, a lesson plan typically... READ MORE

Lesson Study

Lesson study is a collaborative professional development practice where teachers work together to plan, observe, and analyze a lesson to improve their teaching methods and student learning. Originating... READ MORE

Level test

A test usually undertaken to place a student in a teaching group which is not mixed ability. Typically a level test will focus primarily on speaking and listening (verbal question and answer) and to a... READ MORE

Lexical approach, Michael Lewis

Lewis believed in a different approach to that of teaching English as a set of grammar structures into which vocabulary could be placed. He shifted the emphasis through 180 degrees, suggesting that the... READ MORE

Lexical Chunk

A lexical chunk is a sequence of words that commonly occur together and are learned and used as a single unit. Examples include collocations (e.g., "make a decision"), fixed expressions (e.g., "by the... READ MORE

Lexical Cohesion

Lexical cohesion refers to the way words and phrases in a text are related to each other, creating a sense of continuity and coherence. It involves the use of repetition, synonyms, antonyms, collocations,... READ MORE

Lexical Set

A lexical set is a group of words that are related by a common theme or category, such as colors, animals, or transportation. Teaching lexical sets helps learners acquire and organize vocabulary in a meaningful... READ MORE


Part of Cambridge Assessment English, this online testing system tests all four skills of, reading, writing, listening and speaking. (Previously BULATS). These level test results are often used by employers... READ MORE

Listening Comprehension

Listening comprehension is the ability to understand spoken language, including recognizing words, phrases, and structures, as well as interpreting meaning, intent, and context. It is a critical skill... READ MORE

LIT (Language Immersion Training)

Language Immersion Training (LIT) is an instructional approach where learners are immersed in the target language environment, using the language exclusively for communication and instruction. This method... READ MORE

LL (Language Lab)

A Language Lab (LL) is a dedicated space equipped with technology and resources for language learning and practice. Language labs typically include computers, audio and video equipment, interactive software,... READ MORE

LLC (Language Learning Center)

A Language Learning Center (LLC) is a resource center that supports language learners and teachers by providing access to language learning materials, technology, and support services. LLCs often offer... READ MORE

LLL (Lifelong Learning)

Lifelong Learning (LLL) is the ongoing, voluntary pursuit of knowledge and skills throughout an individual's life. In the context of language learning, LLL emphasizes the continuous development of language... READ MORE

LMS (Learning Management System)

A Learning Management System (LMS) is a digital platform used to manage and deliver educational content, track student progress, and facilitate communication between learners and instructors. In language... READ MORE


Loanwords are words borrowed from one language and incorporated into another without significant modification. These words often retain their original meaning and pronunciation but may be adapted to fit... READ MORE

LRC (Language Resource Center)

A Language Resource Center (LRC) is a facility that provides resources and support for language teaching and learning. LRCs offer access to language learning materials, technology, tutoring services, and... READ MORE

MALL (Mobile-Assisted Language Learning)

Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) refers to the use of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to support language learning. MALL leverages the portability, connectivity, and multimedia... READ MORE

Matching activity

Type of question where variables are matched. Commonly used as a worksheet type activity. Two lists (A and B) are often given where the horizontal order of the lists is not matched. Students then draw... READ MORE

MCE (Multicultural Education)

Multicultural Education (MCE) is an educational approach that incorporates diverse cultural perspectives into the curriculum and promotes an inclusive, equitable learning environment. In language education,... READ MORE

Media Literacy

Media Literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in various forms. In language education, media literacy involves teaching students to critically engage with media content,... READ MORE

MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery)

The Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) is a standardized English proficiency test designed for non-native speakers. The MELAB assesses listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills... READ MORE


Mentoring in education involves a more experienced teacher or professional providing guidance, support, and feedback to a less experienced teacher or learner. In language learning, mentoring can help new... READ MORE


Meronyms are words that denote a part of something larger. For example, "wheel" is a meronym of "car," and "finger" is a meronym of "hand." Understanding meronyms helps language learners develop a more... READ MORE

MET (Michigan English Test)

The Michigan English Test (MET) is a standardized assessment designed to measure the English language proficiency of non-native speakers. Administered by Michigan Language Assessment, the MET evaluates... READ MORE


An over-arching term to describe the development of praxis from a theoretical framework. One way in which the term can be broken down with regard to ELT is in the framework of Approach – Method – Technique.... READ MORE

MFL (Modern Foreign Languages)

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) refers to the study and teaching of languages that are currently spoken around the world, excluding classical languages like Latin and Ancient Greek. MFL programs focus on... READ MORE

Mingling Activity

A mingling activity is an interactive classroom exercise where students move around and interact with multiple classmates to complete a task or gather information. In language learning, mingling activities... READ MORE

Minimal Pair

Minimal pairs are pairs of words that differ by only one phonological element, such as a single sound. For example, "bat" and "pat" or "ship" and "sheep." Teaching minimal pairs helps language learners... READ MORE

Mixed Ability Grouping

Mixed ability grouping involves organizing students with varying levels of proficiency and skills into the same group for learning activities. This approach allows learners to benefit from peer support,... READ MORE

Mixed ability teaching

It could be argued that every class is mixed ability in some sense. For EFL teaching the general situation is that learners are placed into levels, having completed a standard level test before they start... READ MORE

Mixed conditional

It is possible to combine a third conditional clause with a second conditional clause to form the mixed conditional. Probably the most common example of this would be in this structure: If past perfect... READ MORE

MLD (Modern Language Department)

The Modern Language Department (MLD) within educational institutions is responsible for the teaching and administration of modern foreign languages. It oversees language programs, curricula, faculty, and... READ MORE

Mobile Learning

Mobile learning, or m-learning, involves the use of mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops to facilitate learning anytime and anywhere. In language education, mobile learning offers flexible... READ MORE

Modal verb

A modal verb is sometimes called a modal auxiliary verb or a modal auxiliary. Modal verbs always accompany the base form of another verb. Examples of the uses of modal verbs are to express: permission,... READ MORE


A monophthong is a single, pure vowel sound that maintains a consistent quality throughout its duration, such as the vowels in "cat" [æ], "see" [i:], and "hot" [?]. Monophthongs contrast with diphthongs,... READ MORE

Montessori, Maria

Best known for 10 Principles of Montessori Education: Respect for the Child, Individualized Learning, Educating the Whole Child, Absorbent Mind, Independence, Prepared Environment, Intrinsic Motivation,... READ MORE

MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)

A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a free or low-cost online course available to a large number of participants. MOOCs cover a wide range of subjects, including language learning, and are offered by... READ MORE


Morphology is the branch of linguistics that studies the structure and formation of words, including morphemes, the smallest units of meaning. It examines how morphemes combine to form words, how words... READ MORE

MSL (Modern Standard Language)

Modern Standard Language (MSL) refers to the standardized form of a language used in formal communication, media, education, and official documents. Examples include Modern Standard Arabic, Standard Mandarin,... READ MORE

MT (Mother Tongue)

Mother Tongue (MT) refers to the first language that a person learns from birth and uses primarily at home. It is the language in which a person is most proficient and comfortable. In language education,... READ MORE

MTELP (Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency)

The Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency (MTELP) is a standardized assessment designed to evaluate the English language proficiency of non-native speakers. Administered by Michigan Language Assessment,... READ MORE


Multilingualism refers to the ability to use and understand multiple languages. It involves proficiency in two or more languages and is common in many regions of the world. Multilingualism offers cognitive,... READ MORE

Multiple Intelligences

Theory suggested by Howard Gardner that intelligence is made up from a number of different modalities. In the original form Gardner suggested that overall intelligence should be viewed as the sum of a... READ MORE

NAFSA (Association of International Educators)

NAFSA: Association of International Educators is a professional organization dedicated to international education and exchange. NAFSA supports educators and institutions by providing professional development,... READ MORE

Native English Speaker

In relation to teaching the English language, the term native English speaker is normally used to refer to someone whose first language is English, i.e., they have used English as their main form of communication... READ MORE

Natural approach; Krashen and Terrell

This is a four-stage description of how a language is developed: (1) The first stage involves listening and gestures and is called preproduction, (2) Stage two involves short phrases and is called early... READ MORE

Natural Order Hypothesis

One of the five hypotheses developed in Krashen’s second language acquisition theory (SLA). Whilst Krashen acknowledged that English language knowledge, such as grammar, did appear to be learned in some... READ MORE

NEAS (National ELT Accreditation Scheme)

The National ELT Accreditation Scheme (NEAS) is an organization that provides quality assurance and accreditation for English Language Teaching (ELT) programs and institutions in Australia. NEAS sets standards... READ MORE

Needs Analysis

A tool to aid course planning. Typically a kind of survey to find out what the language learner needs to learn and how they are going to use that knowledge. Before the start of any course a student should... READ MORE

Negative Reinforcement

Negative reinforcement is a concept in behaviorism where a behavior is strengthened by removing or avoiding an unpleasant stimulus following the behavior. In language learning, negative reinforcement can... READ MORE

NET (Native English Teacher)

A Native English Teacher (NET) is an educator whose first language is English and who teaches English as a foreign or second language. NETs are often employed in countries where English is not the primary... READ MORE

NLP | Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Often presented as a pseudo-science, NLP may have useful implications for EFL teaching. Elements of NLP exist in a number of extant teaching methodologies today, such as suggestopedia, task-based learning... READ MORE

NNEST (Non-Native English-Speaking Teacher)

A Non-Native English-Speaking Teacher (NNEST) is an educator who teaches English but whose first language is not English. NNESTs offer unique advantages, including firsthand experience with language learning... READ MORE

NNS (Non-Native Speaker)

A Non-Native Speaker (NNS) is someone who speaks a language that is not their first language. In the context of English language learning, NNSs are individuals learning or using English as an additional... READ MORE

Norm referenced

An approach to presenting test results by comparison to an average result. In norm referencing the score of a candidate is referenced to the average score for the cohort being examined. This is contrasted... READ MORE

Norm-Referenced Test

A norm-referenced test is an assessment designed to compare a test-taker's performance to that of a norm group, typically a representative sample of peers. The purpose is to rank students and identify... READ MORE

Norming Session

A norming session is a process where educators and assessors come together to establish consistent scoring standards for assessments. During a norming session, participants review sample responses, discuss... READ MORE

Notional syllabus

Also notional-functional syllabus, is a method of the communicative language approach, pioneered by D. A. Wilkins. It was later developed further for the Council of Europe by van Ek and Trim. The syllabus... READ MORE


A noun acts as the name of a specific object or objects, such as living things (woman), actions (swimming) , places (Rome), qualities (hardness), states of existence (peace), or ideas (socialism). There... READ MORE

NS (Native Speaker)

A Native Speaker (NS) is someone who speaks a language as their first language, having acquired it naturally from early childhood within their home environment. Native speakers typically have intuitive... READ MORE

Objective taxonomies

Bloom initially divided these into three categories or domains. They are the Cognitive domain, related to the mind or thinking. The psycho-motor domain, related to the body and movement and the affective... READ MORE

ODA (Official Development Assistance)

Official Development Assistance (ODA) refers to government aid designed to promote economic development and welfare in developing countries. In the context of language education, ODA can include funding... READ MORE

OELP (Online English Learning Program)

An Online English Learning Program (OELP) is a digital platform that provides English language instruction through online resources, courses, and interactive activities. OELPs offer flexibility and accessibility,... READ MORE

OER (Open Educational Resources)

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research materials that are freely available for anyone to use, adapt, and distribute. OER can include textbooks, lesson plans, videos, quizzes,... READ MORE

One to One Teaching

This term is used in English teaching to refer to situations where an individual student receives the sole attention of the teacher. This type of teaching is commonly found amongst private tutors who often... READ MORE

Online Learning

Online learning refers to the delivery of educational content and instruction through digital platforms and the internet. In language education, online learning encompasses a wide range of activities,... READ MORE

Open-ended question

A question without a specific answer. Contrasted with a closed question, where a fixed answer is expected. An open question or open-ended question allows the respondent to give their own thoughts and ideas... READ MORE

Operant conditioning; B.F. Skinner

A psychological theory based around the concepts of Stimulus - Response and Reward – Punishment. The main application of the theory is not so much regarding any teaching methodology, but is related to... READ MORE

OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview)

The Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) is a standardized assessment of speaking ability conducted by a trained evaluator. Developed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), the... READ MORE

OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview - computer)

The Oral Proficiency Interview - computer (OPIc) is a computer-based version of the OPI, designed to assess speaking proficiency using similar methods and criteria. The OPIc is delivered through an online... READ MORE

OT (Online Teaching)

Online Teaching refers to the practice of delivering educational instruction through digital platforms and the internet. In language education, online teaching involves using virtual classrooms, video... READ MORE


Observed teaching practice. Part of a teacher training program where trainees are observed by experienced teachers and given feedback on their performance. Many TEFL and TESOL training courses include... READ MORE

OUP (Oxford University Press)

Oxford University Press (OUP) is a renowned publishing house and department of the University of Oxford. OUP publishes a wide range of educational materials, including textbooks, reference books, and digital... READ MORE

Output (of student)

Linked to the production of speaking and writing. There are four generally recognized skills in learning a language. Two relate to students receiving INPUTS from reading and listening. The other two are... READ MORE

Output Hypothesis

The Output Hypothesis, proposed by Merrill Swain, suggests that producing language (speaking or writing) is a crucial part of the language learning process. According to this hypothesis, language output... READ MORE

Over user

(See also under users) Related to Krashen’s Monitor hypothesis, where he suggests three types of monitor user: over users, optimal users and under users. The monitor functions to check what we are going... READ MORE

Pair Work

Pair work is a collaborative learning activity where students work together in pairs to complete a task or practice language skills. In language education, pair work encourages interaction, communication,... READ MORE

Paragraph Structure

Paragraph structure refers to the organization and coherence of ideas within a paragraph. A well-structured paragraph typically includes a topic sentence that introduces the main idea, supporting sentences... READ MORE

Passive voice

A passive voice sentence is one in which the subject receives an action. In this case the action is the important part of the sentence; the agent is unimportant and may even be left out completely. The... READ MORE

PE (Professional English)

Professional English (PE) refers to the specialized language skills needed for effective communication in professional and workplace settings. PE courses focus on developing vocabulary, grammar, and communication... READ MORE

PEAT (Professional English Assessment for Teachers)

The Professional English Assessment for Teachers (PEAT) is a standardized test designed to evaluate the English language proficiency of non-native English-speaking teachers. The PEAT assesses listening,... READ MORE

Peer Assessment

Peer assessment is a process where students evaluate each other's work or performance based on specific criteria. In language education, peer assessment can involve activities such as reviewing written... READ MORE

Peer Observation

Peer observation involves teachers observing each other's classes to gain insights into different teaching methods and strategies. In language teaching, peer observation can help educators reflect on their... READ MORE

Peer Review

Peer review is a process where students evaluate and provide feedback on each other's work, such as essays, projects, or presentations. In language learning, peer review helps students improve their writing... READ MORE

Peer Tutoring

Peer tutoring involves students teaching or assisting their classmates in understanding and mastering language concepts. In language education, peer tutoring can be especially effective, as students often... READ MORE

PET (Preliminary English Test)

The Preliminary English Test (PET), now known as B1 Preliminary, is an English language exam provided by Cambridge Assessment English. It assesses intermediate-level English proficiency (B1 level of the... READ MORE


A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a language that can distinguish words. For example, the phonemes /b/ and /p/ differentiate "bat" from "pat." Understanding phonemes is crucial for language learners... READ MORE

Phonetic alphabet

Also referred to as the IPA, the International Phonetic Alphabet was developed to be used across all languages. By breaking down all speech into individual sounds common across all languages it is possible... READ MORE


Phonetics is the study of the sounds of human speech, including their production, transmission, and perception. It examines the physical properties of speech sounds, such as articulation, frequency, and... READ MORE


Phonology is the study of the sound systems of languages and the rules that govern the patterns of sounds. It explores how phonemes function within a language, including their distribution and interaction.... READ MORE

Phrasal Verb

A phrasal verb is a verb combined with one or more particles (prepositions or adverbs) that creates a meaning different from the original verb. Examples include "give up," "run into," and "take off." Phrasal... READ MORE


Pitch refers to the perceived frequency of a sound, determining how high or low it sounds. In language, pitch is crucial for intonation, which affects meaning, emotion, and emphasis. For example, in English,... READ MORE

PLA (Prior Learning Assessment)

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is a process that evaluates and recognizes the knowledge and skills individuals have acquired outside formal education. This can include work experience, self-study, military... READ MORE

Placement Test

A placement test is an assessment used to determine a student's current proficiency level in a language to place them in an appropriate course or class. Placement tests evaluate various language skills,... READ MORE


Representing the work or ideas of another person as your own. This is considered a very serious breach of academic standards in most learning institutions worldwide. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional,... READ MORE


A plosive, also known as a stop consonant, is a type of consonant sound produced by stopping the airflow in the vocal tract and then releasing it suddenly. Examples of plosives in English include /p/,... READ MORE


Podcasts are audio recordings available online that cover a wide range of topics and formats, including interviews, discussions, storytelling, and educational content. In language learning, podcasts provide... READ MORE


Polysemy refers to the phenomenon where a single word has multiple related meanings. For example, the word "bank" can refer to a financial institution or the side of a river. Understanding polysemy is... READ MORE

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a behavioral concept where desirable behavior is encouraged through rewards or positive outcomes. In language education, positive reinforcement can be used to motivate students... READ MORE


An approach to teaching English as a second or foreign language, making use of three phases within a lesson: Presentation, Practice and Production. Generally presentation sets up the context of the lesson... READ MORE

PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production)
Predictive Validity

Predictive validity refers to the extent to which a test or assessment accurately predicts future performance or outcomes. In language testing, predictive validity is important for determining whether... READ MORE

Present simple tense

This has the simplest structure of all the tenses which is just; subject + base form of verb. It has a number of uses which include, habits and routines, facts, commentaries, directions and newspaper headlines,... READ MORE


Prewriting is the initial stage of the writing process where writers plan and organize their ideas before drafting. This stage involves brainstorming, outlining, researching, and gathering information.... READ MORE

Problem-Based Learning

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is an instructional approach where students learn through solving complex, real-world problems. In PBL, students work in collaborative groups to identify what they need to... READ MORE

Process Writing

Process writing is an instructional approach that emphasizes the various stages of writing, including prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. This approach focuses on writing as a recursive... READ MORE

Professional development

In the teaching profession, particularly mainstream education, a certain number of contracted working days are allocated to ‘whole school’ and ‘individual’ development. This typically takes the... READ MORE

Proficiency Test

A proficiency test measures a learner's overall ability in a language, regardless of any specific course or curriculum. These tests assess language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing,... READ MORE

Project-Based Learning

Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method where students gain knowledge and skills by working on a project over an extended period. Projects are often interdisciplinary and involve real-world challenges... READ MORE


Prosody refers to the rhythm, stress, and intonation patterns of spoken language. It includes features such as pitch, loudness, tempo, and pausing, which contribute to the expressiveness and meaning of... READ MORE

QR Codes

QR codes (Quick Response codes) are two-dimensional barcodes that can be scanned with a smartphone or tablet to quickly access information, websites, or multimedia content. In language education, QR codes... READ MORE

QTS (Qualified Teacher Status)

Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) is a certification required to teach in state schools in England and Wales. Obtaining QTS involves completing a recognized teacher training program and meeting specific standards... READ MORE

Qualification Framework

For example The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Most countries have their own qualification frameworks.(NQFs). Examples are the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and... READ MORE

Qualitative research

Concerned with meaning and experiences. In qualitative social research, the aim is to understand the ‘lived experience’ as described by the subjects. It is therefore subjective. This is in contrast... READ MORE

Quantitative research

Concerned with the collection of objective measurements of quantities and the subsequent analysis of such data through statistical analysis and other means. It is empirical in nature and does not depend... READ MORE

Question tag

Question tags are often used in speaking and we usually use them when we are unsure of something and would like confirmation (or otherwise) of what we are saying. They come after the information we are... READ MORE


A useful tool for practicing a whole range of language features in an EFL classroom. These can easily be created in survey form and both the functions of questioning and a particular grammar structure... READ MORE

Readability scales

A system designed to measure the reading level of a written text which can be used to judge a student’s reading level. An example is the Flesch-Kincaid scale. A useful online resource for finding the... READ MORE

Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the ability to understand, interpret, and critically evaluate written texts. It involves decoding words, recognizing sentence structures, and making inferences based on context... READ MORE


Realia is a term that refers to any real life object that a teacher uses as a teaching aid in an English language classroom. The greatest benefit of using real life objects as teaching tools in the classroom... READ MORE

Receptive and Productive Skills

The four types of communication skills that are taught in an English language classroom are speaking, writing, reading and listening. These four separate language skills are also commonly referred to as... READ MORE

Reciprocal Teaching

Reciprocal teaching is an instructional approach where students take turns leading group discussions to improve reading comprehension. The method involves four main strategies: predicting, questioning,... READ MORE


Reduction refers to the phenomenon in spoken language where sounds, syllables, or words are pronounced less fully or distinctly, often to make speech more fluid and natural. Examples include contractions... READ MORE

Reflective Teaching

Reflective teaching is the practice of regularly analyzing and evaluating one's own teaching methods and effectiveness to improve professional practice. Reflective teachers critically examine their lesson... READ MORE

Reflexive pronoun

These are used when we are reflecting back to the subject of the sentences. They include the singular forms, myself, yourself, himself and herself. The plural forms are ourselves, yourselves and themselves.... READ MORE

Register (in linguistics)

The language style and tone used in particular situations (see also ‘code switching’). Different types of register have been identified and classified, for example; five types of language register... READ MORE


Reliability in assessment refers to the consistency and dependability of test scores or evaluation results. A reliable assessment produces stable and consistent results over repeated administrations and... READ MORE

Remedial Teaching

Remedial teaching involves providing additional support and instruction to students who are struggling with specific subjects or skills. In language education, remedial teaching focuses on addressing areas... READ MORE


A resume is not the same as a Curriculum Vitae (CV). A resume is typically limited to one or possibly two pages at most. The use and content of a resume is quite specific, in that it you present only those... READ MORE


Revising is the process of reviewing, modifying, and improving written work. In language learning, revising involves looking at content, organization, and clarity to enhance the overall quality of writing.... READ MORE


Rhythm in language refers to the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in speech. It plays a crucial role in the natural flow and musicality of spoken language. Understanding and mastering rhythm... READ MORE

Role Play

Role play is a teaching technique where students act out scenarios or take on roles to practice language skills in a simulated context. This method encourages active participation, creativity, and the... READ MORE

Role Play/Simulation

These terms refer to two similar activities that are commonly used to practice the use of English in the classroom. Both activities are generally popular with students and teachers alike, as they can be... READ MORE

Round Robin

Round Robin is a collaborative learning strategy where students take turns contributing to a group activity or discussion. In language teaching, Round Robin can be used for brainstorming ideas, practicing... READ MORE

Rubric (for assessment)

A list of criteria statements for grading assessments Generally rubric contain three elements. These are (1) the performance criteria, (2) The indicators for those criteria and (3) a rating scale of achievement... READ MORE

Running Dictation

Running Dictation is an interactive classroom activity that combines listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. In this activity, students work in pairs or small groups. One student (the runner)... READ MORE

RVE (Reading Vocabulary Evaluation)

Reading Vocabulary Evaluation (RVE) is an assessment that measures a student's knowledge and understanding of vocabulary within the context of reading. RVE tests typically involve tasks such as matching... READ MORE

SAE (Standard American English)

Standard American English (SAE) refers to the form of the English language commonly used and accepted in the United States. SAE is characterized by its standardized grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation.... READ MORE

SALA (Study Abroad Learning Assessment)

Study Abroad Learning Assessment (SALA) evaluates the language skills and cultural competencies students gain during their study abroad experiences. SALA involves measuring improvements in speaking, listening,... READ MORE

SBE (Standard British English)

Standard British English (SBE) is the form of the English language widely accepted and used in the United Kingdom. SBE is characterized by its standardized grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation.... READ MORE


Any teaching strategy that allows learners to work at a level higher than they could do alone. Initially scaffolding may be at a high level and reduced over time as learner competence increases. A similar... READ MORE

Schank, Roger

Schema theory developed by Piaget and Script theory introduced by Tomkins was further developed by Schank. If fits into the approach of constructivism. Schank’s Script theory also brings together the... READ MORE

Scoring Guide

A scoring guide, also known as a rubric, is a tool used to evaluate and grade students' performance based on specific criteria. In language education, scoring guides outline the expectations for assignments,... READ MORE


Screencasting involves recording a video of a computer screen along with audio narration to create instructional content. In language education, screencasting can be used to demonstrate software applications,... READ MORE

Second conditional

The second conditional is used to communicate a present or future hypothetical situation which is not true now and is never likely to be. The second conditional takes the form If + Past simple/continuous,... READ MORE

Second Language Acquisition

Second Language Acquisition (SLA) is the process by which people learn a language other than their native language. SLA involves developing proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the... READ MORE

SEFR (Swiss Economic Freedom Ranking)

The Swiss Economic Freedom Ranking (SEFR) is an index that measures the economic freedom of countries based on various indicators, such as government size, regulatory efficiency, open markets, and legal... READ MORE


Self-assessment is a process where learners evaluate their own progress and performance based on specific criteria. In language education, self-assessment helps students reflect on their language skills,... READ MORE


Self-editing is the process where writers review and revise their own work to improve clarity, coherence, and correctness. In language learning, self-editing involves checking for grammar and spelling... READ MORE

Silent way

This teaching methodology is a method of language teaching devised by Caleb Gattegno. The Silent way is based upon a number of educational learning paradigms. It is a problem-based and discovery-based... READ MORE

SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol)

The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) is a research-based instructional model designed to make content comprehensible for English language learners (ELLs) while promoting their language... READ MORE


There are four generally accepted skills to be covered in learning languages: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. These are termed the Productive and Receptive skills. We should try to develop all... READ MORE

Skimming and Scanning

These terms refer to two basic reading skills that students should practice during an English language course. Skimming refers to the technique used to gain an overall idea of the content of a document... READ MORE

SLA (Second Language Acquisition)

Second Language Acquisition (SLA) is the process by which individuals learn a language other than their native language. SLA involves developing proficiency in various language skills, including listening,... READ MORE

Speaking Proficiency

Speaking proficiency refers to a learner's ability to effectively communicate orally in a second language. It encompasses various aspects, including pronunciation, fluency, accuracy, vocabulary usage,... READ MORE

Standardized Test

A standardized test is an assessment administered and scored in a consistent manner across all test-takers to ensure comparability of results. In language education, standardized tests evaluate proficiency... READ MORE

Strong Form

The strong form of a word is its full pronunciation, typically used in stressed positions or when the word is spoken in isolation. In English, certain words (especially function words) have both strong... READ MORE

Structural syllabus

Often also referred to as a grammatical syllabus, is made up of a range of grammatical structures, taught in order of perceived difficulty. It comes under the heading of a product-oriented syllabus. Many... READ MORE

STT (Student Talk Time)

Student Talk Time (STT) refers to the amount of time students spend speaking during a class. Increasing STT is essential for developing speaking proficiency, as it provides learners with opportunities... READ MORE


A teaching methodology created by Georgi Lozanov. Lozanov addressed the issue of affective filter, trying to reduce this for the students as much as possible. He believed that in a state of calm, helped... READ MORE

Summative Assessment

Summative assessment evaluates student learning at the end of an instructional period, such as a course or unit. It measures the extent to which learning objectives have been achieved and provides a final... READ MORE

Supporting Sentence

A supporting sentence is a sentence in a paragraph that provides evidence, examples, or explanations to back up the main idea stated in the topic sentence. Supporting sentences help develop the argument... READ MORE


Generally speaking this is a list of the contents of a course. There are various ways of describing the contents of a course, which gives rise to various types of syllabus. Examples of syllabi are: grammar... READ MORE

Syllabus Design

Syllabus design is the process of creating a detailed outline of the content, objectives, and structure of a course. In language education, syllabus design involves selecting and organizing language skills,... READ MORE

Synchronous Learning

Synchronous learning refers to real-time, interactive learning experiences where instructors and students participate simultaneously. This can occur in traditional classrooms or through online platforms... READ MORE

Task based learning | TBL

A teaching method which focuses on task completion rather than accuracy of language used. As a communicative methodology this method makes the successful language use outcome of the task, for example,... READ MORE


A teaching method which focuses on task completion rather than accuracy of language used. As a communicative methodology this method makes the successful language use outcome of the task, for example,... READ MORE

TBLT (Task-Based Language Teaching)

Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) is a pedagogical approach that organizes language learning around tasks rather than traditional language structures. In TBLT, tasks are designed to reflect real-life... READ MORE

Teacher Portfolio

A teacher portfolio is a collection of documents and artifacts that showcase a teacher's skills, achievements, and professional development. It typically includes lesson plans, student work samples, teaching... READ MORE

Teaching Philosophy

A teaching philosophy is a personal statement that outlines an educator's beliefs, values, and approaches to teaching and learning. It reflects the teacher's understanding of how students learn best, the... READ MORE

TEAL (Teaching English as an Additional Language)

Teaching English as an Additional Language (TEAL) refers to instructing students who are learning English in addition to their native language(s). TEAL encompasses various instructional strategies and... READ MORE

Team Teaching

Team teaching involves two or more teachers collaboratively planning, delivering, and evaluating instruction for the same group of students. This approach allows educators to share expertise, provide diverse... READ MORE

TEAP (Teaching English for Academic Purposes)

Teaching English for Academic Purposes (TEAP) focuses on preparing non-native English speakers for the language demands of academic study in English-speaking institutions. TEAP instruction includes developing... READ MORE

TEFL | Teaching English as a Foreign Language

This term is normally used to describe the act of teaching English to people whose native language is anything but English. This type of English teaching will usually take place in the student’s... READ MORE

TESL | Teaching English as a Second Language

TESL is a term commonly used in the USA, Australia and Canada to describe the act of teaching English to non native speakers in countries where English is the official language. It is also used to refer... READ MORE

TESL-EJ (Teaching English as a Second Language Electronic Journal)

TESL-EJ is an online, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the field of Teaching English as a Second Language. It publishes research articles, reviews, and practical teaching resources for educators and... READ MORE

TESOL | Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

TESOL is a term commonly used in the UK, New Zealand and Ireland to describe the act of teaching English to non native speakers in countries where English is the official language. It is also used to refer... READ MORE

TESP (Teaching English for Specific Purposes)

Teaching English for Specific Purposes (TESP) focuses on teaching English tailored to the specific needs of learners in particular fields or professions. This includes English for business, law, medicine,... READ MORE

TEYL | Teaching English to Young Learners

Due to the ever expanding influence of the English language on popular culture worldwide, the numbers of young learners wanting to learn English continues to grow year after year. As a consequence, more... READ MORE


Think-Pair-Share is a collaborative learning strategy that encourages students to think individually about a question or topic, discuss their thoughts with a partner, and then share their ideas with the... READ MORE

Third conditional

The third conditional is used to describe what could have happened if a situation that happened in the past had been different. An example could be: If I had left the house a few seconds earlier, I wouldn’t... READ MORE

Thorndike, Edward

Edward Thorndike’s experiments led to what he called the Law of Effect, which is a learning theory in effect based upon a Stimulus – Response. This in turn led to the theory of Operant conditioning,... READ MORE


Time-Out is a behavior management strategy used to remove a student from a situation where they are exhibiting disruptive or inappropriate behavior. The goal is to give the student time to calm down, reflect... READ MORE

TKT | Teachers Knowledge Test

The TKT involves a series of multiple choice examinations covering the following areas; Core modules: Module 1. Background to language learning and teaching, Module 2. Lesson planning and use of resources... READ MORE

TOEFL | Test of English as a Foreign Language

This test is used extensively by English speaking universities, colleges, private sector businesses and government agencies as a method of assessing proficiency in the English language. Traditionally the... READ MORE

TOEIC Bridge (Test of English for International Communication Bridge)

The TOEIC Bridge is a simplified version of the TOEIC test, designed for beginner to intermediate learners. It assesses listening and reading skills and serves as a stepping stone to the full TOEIC test.... READ MORE

TOEIC | Test of English for International Communication

This test of English language proficiency is used extensively worldwide and is specifically designed to be used in relation to English language in the workplace. A wide range of businesses employ the test... READ MORE

TOESL (Teaching of English as a Second Language)

Teaching of English as a Second Language (TOESL) refers to the instruction of English to non-native speakers who are learning the language while living in an English-speaking country. TOESL focuses on... READ MORE


Tone in language refers to the pitch and intonation patterns used to convey meaning, emotion, and emphasis in speech. Tone can change the meaning of a word or sentence, especially in tonal languages like... READ MORE

Topic Sentence

A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the main idea of a paragraph. It sets the direction for the paragraph and is typically the first sentence. The topic sentence helps readers understand what... READ MORE

TOTEFL (Teaching of English as a Foreign Language)

Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (TOTEFL) is another term for TEFL, referring to the instruction of English to non-native speakers in countries where English is not the primary language. TOTEFL... READ MORE

TPR (Total Physical Response)

Total Physical Response (TPR) is a language teaching method developed by Dr. James Asher that combines language learning with physical movement. In TPR, teachers give commands in the target language, and... READ MORE

TPR | Total Physical Response

A learning theory due to James Asher. Asher describes the fact that language appears to be a function of the left hemisphere of the brain. It was also noted that bodily movement was associated with the... READ MORE

Transition Words

Transition words are words or phrases that help connect ideas, sentences, and paragraphs, making writing more coherent and logical. Examples include "however," "therefore," "in addition," "first," "next,"... READ MORE

TTT (Teacher Talk Time)

Teacher Talk Time (TTT) refers to the amount of time a teacher spends talking during a class. While some TTT is necessary for instruction and explanation, excessive TTT can limit opportunities for student... READ MORE

TTT and STT | Teacher Talking Time and Student Talking Time

These terms are commonly used in English language teaching to refer to periods during a lesson where the class is either teacher centred or student centred, as well as the relative importance of each situation.... READ MORE

TWS (Teacher Work Sample)

A Teacher Work Sample (TWS) is a comprehensive portfolio that documents a teacher's instructional planning, implementation, and assessment of student learning. It typically includes lesson plans, student... READ MORE

U-shape class layout

Also known as the horseshoe arrangement.This relates to how the desks can be arranged in the classroom. The teacher’s position is at the open end of the U. The benefits of this arrangement are that students... READ MORE

Under Users

Related to Krashen’s Monitor hypothesis, where he suggests three types of monitor user: over users, optimal users and under users. The monitor functions to check what we are going to say against what... READ MORE

Universal grammar

The UG hypothesis suggests that all languages have some underlying similarities which are considered fundamental to language itself (see Chomsky). Noam Chomsky suggested that humans are born with an innate... READ MORE


A unit of language output which is spoken or written (See speech Act Theory). In speech act theory there are three levels of utterance, with the different levels relating to the intended purpose of the... READ MORE

VAK learning styles

This is a learning styles theory which categorizes possible preferred leaning styles into three areas: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic. The terms relate to Visual, what we see helps us learn, such as... READ MORE

VAKT (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Tactile)

Understanding VAKT helps educators design lessons that cater to diverse learning preferences, enhancing student engagement and retention. Activities can include visual aids, audio recordings, physical... READ MORE

Virtual classroom

A classroom created online via a learning platform such a Google Meet or Zoom. The class is conducted as a live video call. An explosion of virtual learning has been forced on the world due to recent events.... READ MORE

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

A Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is an online platform that facilitates teaching and learning through digital tools and resources. VLEs provide access to course materials, assignments, discussions,... READ MORE

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that creates immersive, computer-generated environments that users can interact with using specialized equipment like VR headsets. In language education, VR can provide... READ MORE

Visual aids

Any real object or created material brought to the classroom to aid in the process of language teaching. A visual aid is used to represent meaning without the need for description or discussion. They are... READ MORE

Visual learner

Learning improved when given visual cues. Different learning theories developed include those which categorize different learning style preferences. Some of these include visual learners, i.e. those who... READ MORE

VLE (Virtual Learning Environment)

A Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is an online platform that supports teaching and learning through digital tools and resources. VLEs offer access to course materials, assignments, discussions, assessments,... READ MORE

Vocational training

Relating to a trade or skill, such as plumbing (See EOP). English for occupational purposes is the study of English with specific reference to a job in which it will be used. Examples of such vocational... READ MORE

Voiced Sounds

Voiced sounds are speech sounds produced with vibration of the vocal cords. Examples include /b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, and /z/. Voiced sounds contrast with voiceless sounds, which are produced without vocal... READ MORE

Voiceless Sounds

Voiceless sounds are speech sounds produced without vibration of the vocal cords. Examples include /p/, /t/, /k/, /f/, and /s/. Voiceless sounds contrast with voiced sounds, which involve vocal cord vibration.... READ MORE

Vygotsky, L S

Lev Vygotsky’s theory developed the idea of social constructivism. He strongly believed that cognitive development was linked to socialization factors rather than passing through a series of stages,... READ MORE


Relates to the tendency to teach to an external or internal test, rather than to the students’ weaknesses. Also referred to as backwash. When the outcome of a course is a final test, it is sometimes... READ MORE

Watson, John B

John B. Watson was among the first to describe the process of classical behaviorism. His now controversial experiment conducted with R. Raynor and child subject ‘Little Albert’ showed that the child... READ MORE


Concept of ICT affordance. Wersch built upon Gibson’s theory of affordance to attach the general theory to that of the possibility of using technology in a pedagogical way. ICT affordance relates to... READ MORE

Whole-Class Teaching

Whole-class teaching is an instructional approach where the teacher addresses all students simultaneously, often using lectures, demonstrations, and discussions. This method allows the teacher to present... READ MORE

Whorf, Benjamin

Linguistic relativity or the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. In this theory the structure and use of our language determines how we view the world and the concepts we create. People with different languages would... READ MORE

WIDA (World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment)

WIDA (World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment) is an organization that provides standards, assessments, and professional development for educators working with English language learners (ELLs).... READ MORE


One in a series of student resource books which typically contains exercises with answer keys. A book series, for example New Headway series, will typically be written at five levels. Each level will have... READ MORE

Writing Proficiency

Writing proficiency refers to a learner's ability to write clearly, accurately, and effectively in the target language. It encompasses various skills, including grammar, vocabulary, organization, coherence,... READ MORE

WTC (Willingness to Communicate)

Willingness to Communicate (WTC) refers to an individual's readiness and inclination to engage in communication in a second language. WTC is influenced by factors such as confidence, motivation, language... READ MORE

YLE (Young Learners English)

Young Learners English (YLE) refers to English language programs and assessments designed specifically for children, typically aged 7-12. YLE programs focus on developing foundational language skills through... READ MORE


Young language learner. Typical age ranges given for YLLs is from regular school age (5 years old) to 13/14 years old, though some argue that even younger learners are included. With English language classes... READ MORE

Youdell, D

In the area of poststructuralist theorists, two well-known names would be Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida. However these two theorists did not specifically apply their work to the field of education.... READ MORE

Zero article

The zero article refers to whenever no article is used. In the section on articles we saw that, a, an, and the, were the indefinite and definite articles. The zero article is another case used in a number... READ MORE

Zero conditional

The zero conditional has the structure If + present tense sentence + present tense sentence. It is used to describe facts or things that are generally true. An example could be; If you heat water, it boils... READ MORE

Zone of Proximal Development

The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is a concept introduced by psychologist Lev Vygotsky, referring to the range of tasks that a learner can perform with the guidance and support of a more knowledgeable... READ MORE

Zoom Lessons

One method of delivering lessons online in a virtual classroom environment. The Zoom learning platform is one of many such applications. Others include Google Classroom, Schoology Learning and PowerSchool... READ MORE


Zone of proximal development (see Vygotsky) relates to the earlier concept of scaffolding, where learning takes place within the ZPD, i.e. don’t try to go too far too soon. Vygotsky believed there were... READ MORE

ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development)

The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is a theoretical framework that describes the difference between what learners can do independently and what they can achieve with guidance and support. Developed... READ MORE